

voir film Wolf Trail streaming vf

Wolf's Trail

Wolf's Trail

Heralded as a "Universal Thrill Feature," this minor outdoor melodrama starred Dynamite, one of canine phenomenon Rin Tin Tin's legion of imitators. Veteran actor Edmund Cobb headed the human cast as Captain Tom Grant, a Texas ranger impersonating an outlaw in order to infiltrate a gang of smugglers..

Wolf Trail

Wolf Trail

After many years spent in a Bangkok prison, an old man returns to his homeland, Kazakhstan. Did he think that thanks to a random traveling companion, a cute guy Igor, he would be drawn into a dangerous intrigue. Now, in order to survive himself and save Igor, he must unravel this ingenious tangle, balancing "on the razor's edge", make criminals get entangled in their own nets. And this is possible for a person with courage, composure and ingenuity. Who is this old man? And how random is what is happening for him? His past is a mystery, his present is a chess game for life and death..

The Wolf's Trail

The Wolf's Trail

Reza and Sadegh-Khan are old friends who are engaged in shady deeds. The next day after his wedding, Reza is arrested hauling the dead body of one of his friends. He is sentenced to jail. Years later, freed from the prison, he is now settled in a little town. A letter arrives from Sadegh to invite him back to the capital city in order to attend his son's wedding..

La Ligne Télégraphique

La Ligne Télégraphique

Des ouvriers sont attaqués par des Indiens alors qu'ils sont en train d'installer une ligne de télégraphe, mais l'un d'eux a le temps d'envoyer un message au fort, précisant qu'un homme blanc dirige l'attaque. L'éclaireur John Trent et le caporal Tippy sont envoyés à la recherche de cet homme, qui est en fait Gus Lynch, déterminé à garder son monopole de l'acheminement du courrier en empêchant l'arrivée du télégraphe....

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 4

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 4

Weslie and his crew discover an evil mechanical dragon who defeats Wolffy as he was attempting to capture the goats, but a series of good dragons rescue Weslie and the goats. The good dragons say that evil dragons have taken over their world, and they need the help of the goats..