

voir film Where It Ends streaming vf

Roxette: It All Begins Where It Ends

Roxette: It All Begins Where It Ends

As one of Europe's most successful bands, Roxette have scored more international hits, rolled out bigger tours and received more airplay than any other Scandinavian band. When Marie Fredriksson was diagnosed with brain tumor in 2002, it seemed like the Roxette saga had reached its tragic end. But Marie got well against all odds, and during 2009 and 2010 the group step by step laid the ground for a comeback that again created modern music history. In February 2011 Roxette kicked off their return to the world's stages with a tour that soon was dubbed "The never ending tour", since the bookings never ceased to drop in. The world hadn't forgotten Roxette and before the group played their final show in Mexico City in September 2012, they had performed their classic song catalog in front of 1,5 million singing, screaming and crying people in 46 countries. A film team joined the tour and captured one of the most unexpected and moving returns any band has ever done..

This is Where it Ends

This is Where it Ends

A priest visits an unrepentant death row prisoner, as the two spend time together the priest comes to understand the prisoner, and the prisoner begins to come to terms with his inevitable death..

Here Where It All Ends

Here Where It All Ends

"Here Where It All Ends" is an experimental, poetic short film that moves between documentary and fiction to address an endangered culture, that of indigenous people in the Brazil. It is, in particular, a sharing of knowledge carried out in Aldeia Bugio, at all stages of 16mm filming, botanical development and sound capture in a collective way. It seeks to reactivate the memory of the origins of the Laklãnõ/Xokleng people..

Le Dernier Wagon

Le Dernier Wagon

Le jeune Ikal et sa famille vivent dans un train qui traverse le pays. Tomás, son père, construisant et réparant les voies ferrées, ils ne restent jamais bien longtemps au même endroit. Lors de leur dernier arrêt, Ikal rencontre Chico, un garçon rebelle qu'il admire, Valeria, une fille intelligente qui sera son premier amour, Tuerto, un autre garçon dont la famille vit aussi du rail, et Quetzal, un cabot qui ne le quittera plus. Les quatre amis suivent la classe de Georgina, une enseignante dévouée qui fait le maximum pour ses élèves avec le peu qu'elle a. Ensemble, ils vont aider Ikal à trouver un sentiment d'appartenance pour la première fois de sa vie....

Where Russia Ends

Where Russia Ends

In the late 1980s, a team of Ukrainian filmmakers made several expeditions to the remote corners of Siberia. In 2022, during Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, previously unknown footage from these trips was discovered in Kiev. This valuable find becomes the starting point for the film essay about Russian imperialism, environmental destruction and oppression of the indigenous population in Russian colonies..

Where the Roads End

Where the Roads End

The story of Monteforte Toledo - the film's Doctor Zamora - who comes to San Pedro La Laguna (Guatemala) as a young man during the military dictatorship in the first decades of the 20th century. Zamora sets out with great idealism and dedication to eradicate illness among the Indians, even if his work is disapproved by the military commander in town. Zamora falls in love with María, a young Indian girl from a village, and he invites her to come live with him in the town of San Pedro. However, other young women have noted the charm of the elegant of Zamora, and even the young idealist doctor cannot escape the conflict between Ladinos (Mestizos or non-Indians) and Indians..

La Belle de Mexico

La Belle de Mexico

Une femme tue son amant. Son mari et sa maîtresse ont également des pensées meurtrières, et leurs trois contre-intrigues s'emmêlent. Tout le monde perd..

Where the Rope Ends

Where the Rope Ends

In her relentless pursuit of happiness, Nichole found herself drawn to the exhilarating realm of canyoneering. Little did she know that this new daring interest would lead to a life-altering 60-foot fall, during which she would catch a glimpse of the happiness she was chasing. A perilous volunteer search and rescue mission brought Nichole to safety only to face a new set of challenges and severe physical injuries. Determined to regain her former life, Nichole disregarded her pain and learnings and continued the repetitive cycle of pushing toward a perceived happiness that was always just out of reach. At her lowest point, Nichole was forced to quit pushing against her reality, to sit still and ultimately uncover the secret path to happiness..

Where The Rainbow Ends

Where The Rainbow Ends

"Where The Rainbow Ends" - Mikael Persson is about to realize his dream, a great musical with some of Sweden's foremost artists and with himself in the lead role. But just weeks before the premiere the Swedish Enforcement Authority knocks on the door and throws Michael and his family out on the street. He and his fiancee Catti resort to all means to save his life's work and they get unexpected help from the past..

Where The Street Ends

Where The Street Ends

Being a taxi driver in Berlin requires Theo to be a lot of things: Service provider, listener, city guide, and entertainer. In five exemplary episodes this film tells a bizarrely tragic and hilarious story of his customers during his night shifts, and how Theo recovers a long missing piece of magic in his life..

Where Sweden Ends

Where Sweden Ends

Sofie wants to make the world better. She has been taught to help the weak. She knows that violence doesn't solve anything. But then she meets Foad and ends up in a situation where she's forced to re-evaluate her sense of right and wrong..

Where Things End

Where Things End

Francesca wishes to take a nap at what was once her home, but stillness is interrupted by the presence of what is or used to be there. Nostalgia, absurdity and fantasy blend in a brief moment to create an atypical pictorial place..

La Fin des terres

La Fin des terres

La fin des terres de Loïc Darses donne la parole à 17 jeunes d’horizons diversifiés, qui ont en commun d’être nés trop tard pour pouvoir voter au référendum de 1995 sur la souveraineté du Québec. Œuvre cinématographique aussi sensible qu’hypnotique, La fin des terres trace la cartographie du Québec et interroge de manière poétique le devenir de notre collectivité. L’identité, la question nationale, la place des Autochtones dans la société, l’appropriation du territoire et l’environnement : autant d’enjeux actuels qui nous permettent de saisir la délicate suite du monde québécois. Un peu comme si c’était à partir d’eux-mêmes que ces jeunes gens, qui n’ont pas perdu l’envie de rêver, cherchaient aujourd’hui à créer de nouvelles « Terres des Hommes »..

Where the Forest Ends

Where the Forest Ends

In June 2022, British journalist Dom Phillips was murdered while working with the indigenist Bruno Pereira in the Javari Valley, one of the remotest regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The brutal deaths of Dom and Bruno shocked the world and exposed the unprecedented attack against indigenous communities and those fighting to preserve the environment. Where the Forest Ends is a personal essay in which filmmaker Otavio Cury reflects on the loss of his friend Dom, revisiting the first journey they made to the Amazon and the films they made together..

Where Echoes Never End

Where Echoes Never End

Tell the story of two left behind children with vastly different personalities, facing the cruel truth of life together, and completing their own growth test before the topic of life and death..

Where hope ends, hell begins

Where hope ends, hell begins

Pastor Marián Kuffa from Žakoviec near Kežmark built an incredible community made up of homeless people, prostitutes, former prisoners, abandoned children and people without families. This place in the village of Žakovce is an island of purity and hope in this world. The life story of the charismatic engineer Mariano was varied. He went through many occupations and professions such as mountaineer, karate practitioner, agricultural engineer, horse lover and finally Roman Catholic priest at the old parish in Žakovce, from which he managed to build something incredible since 1992. This place attracts believers and non-believers of all ages, not only from Slovakia and the Czech Republic..