

voir film Unnatural Selection streaming vf

Sélection contre-nature

Sélection contre-nature

De l'éradication de maladies au choix des traits d'humains en devenir, la manipulation génétique permet de détourner la biologie. Découvrez les experts de cette science..

Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection

In 1975, the British Government quietly closed down a secret evolutionary project codenamed BEAGLE, ordering the destruction of all research materials. Today, the horrific discovery of several oddly mutated bodies alerts Liz Shaw and P.R.O.B.E. to the fact that something is stalking the original site of project BEAGLE – something which may challenge the very nature of humanity itself! With a crack security team at her disposal, Liz desperately attempts to track down the perverted results of the project. But who or what is hunting whom?.

Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection

This stunning European documentary made available for the first time in the US, reveals several harsh consequences of genetic engineering worldwide. A failed GM cotton crop prompts farmer suicides in India. Windborne GM canola contaminates organic and conventional farms in Canada. One farmer fights Monsanto in the Supreme Court. A company seeks approval for giant GM salmon that may threaten the survival of the natural species.GM pigs are born with ghastly mutations. And experts reveal how inadequate testing and regulations put us at risk..

Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection

In 1992, during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, the famous Sukhumi Monkey Nursery found itself in the epicenter of military events. The fighting took place not only on the neighboring streets of Sukhumi, but also directly on the territory of the nursery. Some of the monkeys were transported by the staff to Russia to the institute's branch in Adler. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save all the primates. Hundreds of monkeys died, unable to endure cold, hunger, stress... The story of the monkey nursery from Sukhumi is not only another drama of the collision of the human world and the natural world. This is a fairly accurate reflection of what is happening to the human community itself in the so-called "hot spots"..

Unnatural Selection

Unnatural Selection

There is a foundation in the provincial city that supports homeless people with disabilities, people with disabilities and the poor. However, the owners of the foundation have their own benefit from charity, managing local residents and their destinies. Disabled Egor Kolchak, who has just lost his mother, decides to confront the patrons and put an end to their self-will..

Inégalité des chances

Inégalité des chances

En retard pour le travail Julie, 35 ans, se fait harceler dans la rue par Karim, 25 ans, entraîné par son pote Kevin. Arrivée dans son entreprise, Julie découvre que le candidat auquel elle doit faire passer un entretien d’embauche n’est autre que Karim. Bien décidée à lui donner une leçon, elle va lui montrer ce qu’est l’inégalité des chances….