

voir film Unknown Woman streaming vf

Lettre d'une inconnue

Lettre d'une inconnue

Un célèbre pianiste vieillissant reçoit un jour une lettre d'une jeune femme inconnue de lui, Lisa Berndle. Celle-ci lui retrace l'amour qu'elle a éprouvé secrètement pour lui depuis son enfance. Elle évoque les rares étreintes que ce volage amant voulut bien lui accorder d'où d'ailleurs naquit un enfant, mort depuis du typhus. Elle a épousé un diplomate sans lui cacher que son cœur était ailleurs. C'est sur son lit de mort qu'elle rédige cette terrible missive. Le pianiste comprend alors pourquoi un diplomate viennois l'a provoqué en duel la veille..

Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

A young attorney, Larry Condon, is on a retainer by a nightclub-owning gangster, to carry and deliver what he thinks are legal papers but he is innocently carrying around millions of dollars in stolen bonds. He meets Helen Griffith when she is arrested in a raid on a gambling house and befriends her. She talks him into taking her to the nightclub of the man he is working for and, while there and unobserved by anyone by Larry, he sees her going through the files and desk of the owner. Who is this mystery woman he just got released from jail, and what is she up to?.

Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

A woman’s psychological journey which externalises an inner world filled with suspense and pursuit. Animated ink and wax drawings are inter-cut with pixilated sequences originating from dreams of a woman and a crow. The structured footage is then painted, and edited to a composed soundtrack. – K.P..

Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

Hong Ji Won grew up at an orphanage. To escape from her poor background, she studied hard and graduated from a prestigious university. She then worked as a secretary at a large company. Finally, Hong Ji Won married the owner of the company and gave birth to a son. Now, Hong Ji Won learns that her son has a disease. She decides that she will do anything for her son. Son YeoRi was raised by wealthy foster parents, but she is abandoned by foster parents and her boyfriend. To protect her child, Son Yeo Ri goes to prison..



Une ville italienne. L'inconnue s'appelle Irena. Elle est arrivée, il y a quelques années, d'Ukraine. Elle fait partie de ces filles de l'Est, proies d'hommes sans scrupules qui, entre violence et humiliation, les tiennent en esclavage sur les trottoirs des grandes villes.A-t-elle un objectif précis lorsqu'elle arrive, avec l'aide d'un gardien, à trouver un emploi de femme de ménage dans l'immeuble en face duquel elle s'est installée pour “travailler” ? En effet, son objectif semble être d'approcher une famille de résidents : les Adacher. Ils se composent de Donato, qui est orfèvre, son épouse, Valeria, et la petite fille Tea.Afin de travailler chez eux, Irena se lie d'amitié avec leur vieille femme de ménage, Gina, puis la remplace. Irena accomplit froidement son plan....

Portrait of a Woman, Unknown

Portrait of a Woman, Unknown

Portrait of a Woman, Unknown ties together the complicated interpersonal dynamics of three generations of women in an immigrant family. The main character, Anne, both subverts, and reenacts the habits of the other woman. Anne's grandmother remains indiscernible except through the narratives of Anne's mother..

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman..

Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

When an old lady dies two hours before her life insurance expires, the insurance lawyer suspects something dubious. He begins to investigate and he becomes the lover of the old lady's daughter....

Letter from an Unknown Woman: Passion’s Triumph

Letter from an Unknown Woman: Passion’s Triumph

A visual essay by film scholar Tag Gallagher, in which he argues for Letter from an Unknown Woman as a film-within-film, written and directed by Lisa, in which she is both subject and object and a line in Ophüls female characters who create themselves as spectacle, consent themselves to be the object of gaze - to the subject of themselves. An extra on Olive Signature's Blu-Ray release of Letter from an Unknown Woman..

Portrait of an Unknown Woman

Portrait of an Unknown Woman

Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened..

Unknown Woman

Unknown Woman

A woman talks to Hyun-o with pleasure, but he has no recollection of meeting her. Leaving her embarrassed, he finds a pebble in the pocket of his old coat, which makes him remember her appearance from behind..

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Letter from an Unknown Woman

A famous singer, who is known for being a womanizer, meets his neighbor who is enamored with him and sleeps with her. When she gives birth, she has to leave her past behind and forget about her flippant ex-lover to look after her son..

Lettre d’une inconnue

Lettre d’une inconnue

En relevant son courrier, Albert Rank, écrivain célèbre, découvre une lettre étrange. Son auteur, une inconnue, lui avoue la passion secrète qu’elle a nourrie pour lui tout au long de sa vie, depuis son enfance. Devenue sa maîtresse le temps d'une nuit, elle a même eu un enfant de lui, clandestinement....

The Unknown Woman

The Unknown Woman

The Unknown Woman is a documentary film scripted and directed by Elina Kivihalme. It depicts the reality of Finnish agriculture and forestry during the war years, when the home front relied entirely upon the work and endurance of the women. All farm work, caring for the children, woodcutting and other forestry operations were undertaken by the civilians, as the men in their prime were on the front..

A Portrait Of A Stranger

A Portrait Of A Stranger

In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA..

Blind Date

Blind Date

A young woman who is married with an older man, she is getting bored more and more as she feels ignored and unfulfilled. One rainy day she meets a lonely painter at his little beach house..