

voir film Two Is a Family streaming vf

Demain tout commence

Demain tout commence

Samuel vit sa vie sans attaches ni responsabilités, au bord de la mer sous le soleil du sud de la France, près des gens qu’il aime et avec qui il travaille sans trop se fatiguer. Jusqu’à ce qu’une de ses anciennes conquêtes lui laisse sur les bras un bébé de quelques mois, Gloria: sa fille! Incapable de s’occuper d’un bébé et bien décidé à rendre l’enfant à sa mère, Samuel se précipite à Londres pour tenter de la retrouver, sans succès. 8 ans plus tard, alors que Samuel et Gloria ont fait leur vie à Londres et sont devenus inséparables, la mère de Gloria revient dans leur vie pour récupérer sa fille….

Family of Two (A Mother and Son's Story)

Family of Two (A Mother and Son's Story)

The story of Maricar whose world revolves around her son, Mateo, who she raised singlehandedly. When Mateo is moving to Singapore to pursue his career ambition and his girlfriend, he devised a plan to find a good man who can look after her mother while he is gone. At first, this made Maricar furious but eventually she saw the pure intention of her son..

Two Families

Two Families

A childless family adopts a child to raise. The husband takes good care of the baby, but his wife tries to avoid the responsibilities of the mother and finally, taking advantage of her husband's absence, she takes the baby back. In the second family, the situation is the opposite - Lia wants to adopt a baby, but her careless husband prevents her..

Two radishes is too much for one family

Two radishes is too much for one family

In the year 1985, the artist’s mother, Carmen Hales, was kidnapped by the DICOMCAR (Dirección de Comunicaciones de Carabineros, the Chilean police force’s Direction of Communications), one of the military dictatorship’s organisms for oppression. In spite of having a hood pulled over her face, she was able to recognize the route taken with her kidnappers through a specific counting system. This orientation and memory exercise is the starting point for reflecting on the differences that exist between hyper-connected times, such as ours, and a bipolar and linear past, exploring different ways of moving through and relating to space..