

voir film Twin Detectives streaming vf

Twin Detectives

Twin Detectives

Identical twin brothers who own a detective agency hatch a plan to expose a phony group of psychics, but soon find themselves involved in a murder..

Shuangsheng Lingtan

Shuangsheng Lingtan

L'histoire suit le quotidien de deux frères jumeaux détectives à la tête d'une agence qui se spécialise dans la résolutions d'énigmes surnaturelles. Ces deux frères se nomment Xiaotu et Xiaohu. Un jour, alors qu'ils pensaient résoudre une enquête ordinaire, une séries d'événements plus étranges les uns que les autres survient. Depuis ce jour, ces deux frères vont prendre chaque enquête au sérieux pour se construire une chemin vers la vérité..

Twin Detective

Twin Detective

In the eyes of the world, Sun Xiaohu is missing. In reality, he's a wandering spirit that can only appear to and interact with his twin brother, Sun Xiaotu. With his brother's help, Sun Xiaotu joins the police force in order to find out what really happened to his brother, but they soon discover they're just one part in a much bigger plot..

The Doofus Detective And The Twin Light Brothers

The Doofus Detective And The Twin Light Brothers

Miss Jin, a female detective, meets the head of a human trafficking organization in an undercover plan to destroy it. But she falls into their trap and gets caught. Jin's younger brother and two young men who both have unrequited love for Jin try to save her, but they fail due to the appearance of The Twin Light Brothersrothers. However, Detective Kim defeats The Twin Light Brothers and rescues Jin from the villain's lair..