

voir film Truth Serum streaming vf

Truth Serum

Truth Serum

Truth Serum is a rare work by Sonbert made in New York City in 1967. The completed film (that is missing its original soundtrack) provides a unique glimpse into his life and friends at the time including fellow filmmakers Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiller..

Truth Serum

Truth Serum

A true look into Kosine’s coming of age story featuring all-new music from his highly anticipated debut album Truth Serum. On his journey to 9 Grammy nominations, millions of records sold, and a host of other accolades, Kosine still found himself unfulfilled and seeking purpose. Truth Serum is a story of self-discovery while tackling everything they never told you about Hollywood..

Truth Serum

Truth Serum

When guests at a party are spiked with a mysterious drug, unpleasant truths and painful secrets emerge as the night spirals into a chaotic and unforgettable affair..