

voir film Transhuman streaming vf



After a dangerous trip to Africa, investigative journalist, Alex Black, returns home to discover her friend has gone missing. Suspicious of coincidence and worried for her friend's safety, she sets out to find her, But what Alex discovers leads her deeper into the horrifying machinations of a Trans-humanist cult hell bent on destroying the world..

Patagonie - Transhumance andine

Patagonie - Transhumance andine

Dans les Andes, entre l’Argentine et le Chili, la transhumance, aujourd’hui menacée, de troupeaux d’éleveurs mapuches. Les Mapuches pratiquent la transhumance en Patagonie depuis des siècles, bien avant l'arrivée des jésuites et les campagnes contre les populations indiennes, dont celle nommée "conquête du désert" entre 1878 et 1885. Si cette guerre a octroyé aux grands propriétaires terriens des millions d'hectares de terres, le système de transhumance ancestral a malgré tout survécu. Mais l’organisation sociale, productive et durable des familles nomades qui en vivent est aujourd’hui menacée par l’augmentation des propriétés privées et les exploitations massives d'hydrocarbures dans la région. Ce film suit l'une de ces migrations dans les Andes, entre l’Argentine et le Chili..

Jason Silva: Transhumanism

Jason Silva: Transhumanism

Jason Silva, philosopher and futurist, reveals mankind’s next evolutionary leap. Will our symbiotic relationship with technology help us transcend our biological limitations, therefore ushering in a new era of humans? Transhumanism is a look at what the future may hold for humanity..

CODE VIRUS Interactive Omni-Augmented Family Encyclopedia For Transhumanist Adaptability

CODE VIRUS Interactive Omni-Augmented Family Encyclopedia For Transhumanist Adaptability

Unable to adapt to ever-accelerating technological developments and cultural paradigm shifts, the Global Ministry of Education transferred the creation of its educational softwares to the leader of Artificial Intelligence, Alphabet. The objectives: maintaining aesthetic and lexical relevance to keep the youth interested in learning while preparing them for the current and upcoming crisis (increasing atmospheric temperature and bacteriological terrorist attacks from the Third World Axis, for instance). The AI unfortunately sent an entire generation in disarray, leading children to severe mental illnesses and violent antisocial tendencies..

Les tribulations d'un berger transhumant

Les tribulations d'un berger transhumant

Vivant à une heure de Berlin, dans le Brandebourg, Knut Kucznik est l’un des derniers bergers d’Allemagne à pratiquer la transhumance. L’hiver, il se déplace à travers la campagne avec son troupeau et ses chiens qu’il élève lui-même. L’été, ses bêtes investissent les prairies, contribuant à la préservation de la biodiversité..

Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity

Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity

The immense leap in technological advancement is changing the way we live, learn, interact, and believe. We have become completely dependent on technology, and it is changing us. The change isn't going to stop. This film investigates some of the underlying motivations of the Transhumanist movement, its spirituality, and how it will affect every person alive today, and tomorrow..



A herd descends from higher pastures to a lower river at mid afternoon. A day routine of a transhumanic flock in the summer pastures in Atbashi valley, South Kyrgyzstan..



Transhumanism is a philosophy which advocates for the enhancement of the human condition by developing sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition. It also predicts the inevitability of such technologies in the near future..



A cattle herd is brought to summer prairies, ignorant of their destination. The travel turns into an occasion for unpredicted changes. In this film i tried chemical solarisation on the original negatif itself..