

voir film The Surge streaming vf

The Surge

The Surge

When all laws are abolished during America's Purge, an ambitious reporter hopes for the worst, but is sorely disappointed..

The Surgeon

The Surgeon

The Surgeon was an Australian primetime television Medical drama. It screened at 9:30pm on Thursdays on Network Ten and in Ireland early morning on RTÉ One. The show was based at a fictional hospital named Sydney General Hospital. The first season consisted of 8 half-hour episodes. The show was not renewed for a second season due to a number of poor reviews and lack of sufficient ratings..

The Rebel Surgeon

The Rebel Surgeon

Erik Erichsen est un chirurgien qui exerce depuis 30 ans et décide de partir travailler en Ethiopie pour donner un coup de main à ceux qui en ont cruellement besoin. Le documentaire suit la vie quotidienne d'Erik, très habile à s'adapter pour effectuer des interventions dans des conditions précaires et avec des ressources très limitées..

The Heart Surgeon

The Heart Surgeon

Alex Marsden is a handsome and celebrated cardiac surgeon with a champagne lifestyle. His two closest friends are Marcella and her husband Larry. Marcella and Alex are in the middle of an affair when Larry develops a heart problem. A heart bypass operation will save him and Larry wants Alex to perform it..

DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii

DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii

L'Hôpital Général de Donoue est confronté à un déficit budgétaire, même si les médecins conduisent des voitures importées coûteuses et mènent une vie farfelue. Le chef de bureau Momoi recrute le chirurgien Kosuke Sagara sur un site Web médical. Kosuke Sagara arrive à l'hôpital et dit au directeur de l'hôpital général de décider de son salaire après avoir vu son travail. Kosuke Sagara informe l'hôpital qu'il avait précédemment quitté son emploi dans un hôpital universitaire et pris une année sabbatique..

Surgery: The Game

Surgery: The Game

Two best friends are sent to an abandoned warehouse through an anonymous letter. They find themselves trapped in a basement and are forced to play a childhood game they bonded over for years..

Chirurgiens d'exception

Chirurgiens d'exception

Ce sont des philosophes, des conteurs et des pionniers dans leur domaine. Quatre chirurgiens réfléchissent à leur vie et à leur profession dans cette série documentaire inspirante..

The Surgeons

The Surgeons

This verité documentary series profiles the personal and professional lives of Canada's best surgeons. With remarkable access to doctors and their patients, this series features riveting stories about real life and death medical procedures..

The Surgeon

The Surgeon

A psychological thriller-horror feature film set in the dark London winter. The film centres on a performance artist with a scarred body and mind, Suzie, who soon finds herself drawn into a sado-masochistic triangular love affair..

The English Surgeon

The English Surgeon

This documentary offers a glimpse into the life of an English neurosurgeon (Henry Marsh) situated in Ukraine as we are exposed to the overwhelming dilemmas he has to face and the burden he has to carry throughout his profession..

Surge of Power - The Stuff Of Heroes

Surge of Power - The Stuff Of Heroes

A light-hearted superhero comedy that spoofs the superhero genre. It is a feature film that runs 85 minutes, shot on 35mm wide screen cinemascope, and features 20 celebrities from the sci-fi, fantasy and comic genres, such as Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from Star Trek), Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk), Noel Neill (Lois Lane, Adventures of Superman) and many more. The movie played in film festivals and comic conventions 2004-2005, was distributed by Ariztical Entertainment, enjoyed a limited theatrical release March 2006, was released on DVD in May 2006 (available in outlets such as Blockbuster, Best Buy, Tower, etc. from 2006-2009), played on cable TV in 2008, streamed on NetFlix 2009-2013..

The Surgeon and the Soldier

The Surgeon and the Soldier

The story of leading Australian surgeon, Associate Prof Munjed Al Muderis, who has pioneered Osseointegration surgery, a controversial procedure for amputees. Munjed sets out to change the life of a young British soldier, a double amputee who has fought a David and Goliath battle with the British military to get the procedure done by Munjed in Australia..