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The Search

The Search

Le film se passe pendant la seconde guerre de Tchétchénie, en 1999. Il raconte, à échelle humaine, quatre destins que la guerre va amener à se croiser. Après l’assassinat de ses parents dans son village, un petit garçon fuit, rejoignant le flot des réfugiés. Il rencontre Carole, chargée de mission pour l’Union Européenne. Avec elle, il va doucement revenir à la vie. Parallèlement, Raïssa, sa grande sœur, le recherche activement parmi des civils en exode. De son côté, Kolia, jeune Russe de 20 ans, est enrôlé dans l’armée. Il va petit à petit basculer dans le quotidien de la guerre..

Les Anges marqués

Les Anges marqués

Traumatisé par son expérience au camp d’Auschwitz, Karel Malik, un petit garçon de neuf ans s'enfuit du foyer où il a été placé. En chemin, il rencontre Ralph Stevenson, un soldat américain. Ce dernier réussit à apprivoiser l'enfant sauvage et décide de le ramener aux USA pour l'adopter. Pendant ce temps sa mère, également rescapée d’un camp, remue ciel et terre dans l'espoir de retrouver son fils..

Searching for the Elephant

Searching for the Elephant

Hyeon-wu, un photographe qui vient de se faire larguer, est au bord de la folie. Il part souvent dans des délires improbables, ce qui n'est pas arrangé par sa consommation régulière de Marijuana. À ses côtés, Min-seok, le mari de sa soeur, ne peut pas s'empêcher de sauter sur tout ce qui bouge pensant être accroc au sexe, mais sans le pratiquer avec sa femme. Enfin, Jin-hyeok, un ami d'enfance, est sur la corde raide à cause d'une histoire de fraude. Il couche secrètement avec la femme de Min-seok (la soeur de Hyeon-wu) et envisage de quitter le pays avec elle....

The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements

The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements

An exciting three-part series about one of the great adventures in the history of science: the long and continuing quest to understand what the world is made of. Three hour-long episodes tell the story of seven of history’s most important scientists as they seek to identify, understand and organize the basic building blocks of matter..

The Search

The Search

The Search was a seven part television show on Channel 4, which first aired on 7 January 2007, the final episode was broadcast on 24 February 2007. The premise of the programme was that ten contestants with unique skills must solve a variety of ancient clues and puzzles from throughout history, with the aim in each episode of finding "The Symbol". The team which fulfills this directive wins the game and the losing team must then sacrifice a team member. The final episode saw the remaining contestants compete to uncover a £50,000 hidden treasure. This 'treasure' was located somewhere in the United Kingdom according to Jamie Theakston on the Steve Wright radio show on BBC Radio 2 broadcast on 26 January 2007. The Search was presented and conceived by Jamie Theakston, inspired by the Kit Williams' children's book Masquerade and made by Princess Productions. The programme was filmed at a variety of locations and made active use of historical buildings and themes incorporated in the puzzles. The first episode focused on Renaissance Italian themes; the second, Medieval French; the third, Mughal Indian; the fourth, Ancient Egyptian, the fifth Mayan Guatemala, the sixth Inca Peru and the seventh, British History..

The Search

The Search

A group of friends document themselves searching for a "Bigfoot-like creature" in hopes their discovery will lead them to fame and fortune..

Elvis Presley: The Searcher

Elvis Presley: The Searcher

C'était un garçon de Tupelo qui a grandi pour devenir la plus grande star de la musique. En cours de route, il a absorbé une gamme impressionnante d'influences, créant un son révolutionnaire dans sa quête de toute une vie pour l'expression de soi. Après son parcours créatif de son enfance aux séances d’enregistrement finales de la salle Jungle de 1976, la présentation en deux parties intitulée "Elvis Presley: The Searcher " comprend de superbes clichés pris à Graceland, la maison emblématique d’Elvis, et propose plus de 20 nouveaux entretiens avec des sources primaires. joueurs de session, producteurs, ingénieurs, réalisateurs et autres artistes qui le connaissaient ou qui étaient profondément influencés par lui..

The Search

The Search

A man's search for the existence of life outside our universe takes a remarkable turn when he connects with a recently bereaved family..

The Search

The Search

Based on the Fifth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, The Search tells the story of teenage-runaway, Darcy as she learns about the struggles of life on the street and the parents frantically searching her..

Legally Blonde – The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods

Legally Blonde – The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods

Legally Blonde — The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods is an MTV program created in order to cast an actress to replace Laura Bell Bundy in the role of Elle Woods in the Broadway production of Legally Blonde – The Musical. The show debuted on June 2, 2008. The winner of the show, Bailey Hanks, in addition to being cast in the role, was given the opportunity to record her own single of the musical's first-act closer, "So Much Better". The show concluded on July 21, 2008. Autumn Hurlbert was the runner up. She served as Hanks' understudy and performed in the ensemble of the show. Bundy's last performance in the musical was on July 20, 2008. Hanks began performances on July 23, 2008 and remained with the show until it closed on October 19, 2008. Two other show finalists — Rhiannon Hansen and Lauren Zakrin, performed in the Legally Blonde National tour. Hansen played Margot in the musical and Zakrin performed in the ensemble as well serving as understudy to Becky Gulsvig as Elle Woods. The show began with 15 contestants. All except the winner were eliminated over nine episodes, in which they performed songs and faced other challenges. A three-judge panel made the elimination decisions. Most episodes involved a small prize for the winner of the challenge..

The Search for the Funniest Mom in America

The Search for the Funniest Mom in America

The Search for the Funniest Mom in America, or simply Funniest Mom, is a six-part reality series that features a competition between ten female comedians who compete for $50,000, the opportunity to develop her own show for Nick at Nite and host a special night of programming on the network. As of season three however the winner is no longer given the opportunity to develop their own show, and no television series starring any of the winners has made it to air. The first season ran during spring 2005, with stand-up comedian and actress Sandra Bernhard serving as the host. The first season aired in five episodes, with Darlene Westgor being the winner. The second season aired during spring 2006, with actress Katey Sagal replacing Bernhard as the host. The second season, which aired in six episodes, announced Rubi Nicholas, a Muslim mother with two children, as the funniest mom in America. A third season, simply called "Funniest Mom in America 3" began airing on April 3, 2007. Like season two, season three has six parts. It was announced on January 11, 2007, that Roseanne Barr would serve as the host for season three. Season 3 ended on Mothers Day 2007..

The Search for the Nile

The Search for the Nile

La source du Nil a été le dernier grand mystère pour les explorateurs européens au XIXe siècle. L'histoire de sa découverte est celle de l'héroïsme au service de la foi, de la cupidité et de l'obsession....

The Search for Solutions

The Search for Solutions

A nine part television series, produced by J.C. Crimmins for PBS. Music composed, arranged and performed by Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays. The stated purpose of “The Search for Solutions” is to stimulate interest in science and technology, primarily among the young. The film comprises nine 18-minute sections touching on various aspects of scientific inquiry that its makers say can be shown as a whole, as it is in this engagement, or in any combination of its parts..

La Prisonnière du désert

La Prisonnière du désert

Texas 1868. La famille d'Aaron Edwards est décimée par une bande de Commanches qui attaquent son ranch et enlèvent ses deux fillettes. Ethan, le frère d'Aaron, découvre le drame et se lance sur les traces des ravisseurs avec deux autres compagnons..

The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search

The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search

The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search is an American reality television competition broadcast by Country Music Television. In the series, singing-dancing female bartenders compete for a position with the company's traveling troupe, and a $50,000 prize. Season three, which premiered March 7, 2008, featured 10 contestants. They are listed below in alphabetical order according to name, occupation, and hometown. ⁕Ashley Glasgow, Entrepreneur, Tampa, Florida ⁕Jessica Henry, Singer/Actress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ⁕Jocelyn Towle, Insurance Processor, Miami, Florida ⁕Kelly Bentley, Former National Guard member, Ashland, Alabama ⁕Lauren Lee, Bartender, Nashville, Tennessee ⁕Sarah LeClear, Dancer, Los Angeles, California ⁕Tanea Renee Singleton, Singer, New York City, New York ⁕Taylin Rae, Singer, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ⁕Tiffany Mallari, Dancer, San Francisco, California ⁕Tracy Hanna, nightclub Promoter, Richfield, New Jersey.

Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl

Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl

En 1934, la plus grosse perle noire du monde disparaît. Des années plus tard, Gohei, un ancien combattant mourant, prétend savoir où se trouve le joyau convoité. Avec son dernier souffle, il prononce les mots « empreinte de chatte » à sa femme Matsuko – et le mystère est ouvert ! Incapable de percer le mystère seul, Matsuko demande l'aide du détective de renommée mondiale, Ippei, pour déchiffrer le message crypté et retrouver la perle noire. Cependant, lorsque l'enquête s'avère trop compliquée à gérer, même pour le talentueux Ippei, le célèbre écrivain mystérieux Seicho Matsuki s'en mêle. La recherche se transforme en un tout pour tous alors que chaque partie jette son dévolu sur la légendaire perle noire. Qui la trouvera en premier ?.