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The Plunderers

The Plunderers

Hero Rod Cameron kills Sheriff Sam Borden at point-blank range and in front of several witnesses in the opening of this Republic Pictures Western, released in the company's patented Trucolor system. The "killing," however, is merely a ruse set up to allow army agent Johnny Drum to infiltrate a gang of highway robbers..



Alcia, un monde né après la grande guerre, ou "Guerre d'Élimination". Ce monde est régi par la loi du plus fort, où les forts et les faibles sont déterminés par leur Compte. Licht, un homme masqué un peu pervers, qui protège les faibles avec son épée, va y faire la connaissance de Hina, une jeune fille droite et honnête partie à la recherche de l'As légendaire, afin de respecter les dernières volontés de sa mère. Leur rencontre va provoquer la révélation progressive des secrets de ce monde régi par les Comptes..

Six Plunderers

Six Plunderers

In a village named Saroja town there are six men who formed the group six of Hell. They perform a variety of crimes such as looting, raping and killing villagers to obtain wealth and satisfy their evil desires. After successfully accumulate wealth so much, they agreed to stop their evil activities and bring their own path by using the wealth. Because of their greed, the hell Six decided to make their last robbery in the village town of Tower. Lived there with his wife Masmera Tantari merchant. Tantari set up shop selling clothes and fabrics. On the night of the robbery, Tantari been out on important business..

1962: The Year of the Plunder

1962: The Year of the Plunder

In 1962 the conservative forces against President Jango created a climate of instability in the country. Besides the political crisis Brazilians lacked basic commodities such as rice, sugar and beans. Amidst this scenario happened, especially in Duque de Caxias, one of the greatest popular looting that has news in Brazil's history in the twentieth century..