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The Party Is Over

The Party Is Over

"The Party Is Over" tells the story of three unusual guys who are roommates at a Southern California university and whose privileged lifestyle and the freedom that goes with it lead to bizarre and obsessive, even twisted, relationships with three equally complicated women..

La fête est finie

La fête est finie

Céleste a 19 ans et est toxicomane. Admise dans un centre de désintoxication, elle y arrive en manque, le même jour que Sihem, plus âgée, secrète, refusant tout contact. Malgré leurs différences, Céleste finit par briser la glace. Les deux jeunes femmes se lient d'amitié et deviennent inséparables. Elles sont renvoyées du centre, livrées à elles-mêmes, mais toujours ensemble, au risque de passer à côté de leur chance de s'en sortir..

The Party is Over

The Party is Over

Tomás wakes up after having sex with a mysterious woman who crawled in his bed after a party at his place. He calls his friend Julián trying to find out who this sexy girl is. The answer is far away from being pleasant….

Party Over

Party Over

Returning early from his vacation after the Carnival period to investigate the murder of a young French tourist, Breno Wanderley is faced with possible reflections of his own history from which he cannot escape. Between Ash Wednesday and post-Carnival Sunday, Breno tries to unravel the crime and sees in his son, also called Breno, a chance to reinvent himself in a broken and sullen city.​.

American Graffiti, la suite

American Graffiti, la suite

1962 en Californie. Les vacances se terminent. Belles américaines, musique à fond, drague à tout va... Curt, Steve, Lauri, Terry et tous les autres passent leurs nuits sur les routes et dans les drive-in, les selfs et les bals... Chaque minute qui passe est vécue intensément comme la dernière. L'essentiel, c'est de prendre le rythme et de le garder....