

voir film The Master Plan streaming vf

The Master Plan

The Master Plan

Following WW II, a U.S. army officer stationed in West Germany is assigned with keeping classified information away from the Communists. Unfortunately, Red spies know that he suffers from sudden black-outs and use this to hypnotise him, and make it appear that he is a traitor..

The Master Plan

The Master Plan

A suburban community and a state of mind, The Master Plan is a feature film that explores Christian youth culture in America. Critic Greg Wright called our film, “Visionary… one of the most visually arresting Indie films you will ever see. An honest, balanced, and compassionate look at the struggles of Evangelical teens that achieves much more than you’d expect.”.

The Master Plan

The Master Plan

ACP Meghla gets assigned to a critical case of a harmonious couple named Asad and Tania. It's clearly evident that Tania died from Coronavirus but a mysterious letter suggests something else..

Braquage à la suédoise

Braquage à la suédoise

Charles, voleur de voitures de très haut niveau, travaille avec son oncle Ralf. Lorsque celui ci est assassiné par les sbires de la puissante banquière Wallentin, Charles décide de le venger. Il met au point le coup le plus compliqué de l’histoire de la Suède. Pour cela, il réunit trois personnes qui sont les meilleures dans leur domaine : Un escroc capable de vous faire gober n importe quoi, un expert des explosifs et une informaticienne à qui aucun code ne résiste..

Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan

Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan

In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe — and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives....

The Master Plan

The Master Plan

This investigative documentary explores the methods through which Russia influences the domestic policy of the Baltic States – by dividing the local community, promoting nostalgia for the Soviet Union and dismissing the recovered independence of the Baltic States..

Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet

Jungle Master 2: Candy Planet

Join Rainie on summer vacation and find a sugar rush adventure, when her mom is accidentally turned into a living candy. Now, Rainie & her pals must soar to the sweetest destination in the galaxy, Candy Planet, in hopes of turning her mom back. There they meet Gordon, a master of confections living in a cotton candy wonderland. He explains that everyone must pass the tartest of tests before they can reach the top level and free her mom. But when all of Rainie's friends are turned into candies, they face the sourest of circumstances, and must uncover an incredible secret along with the true meaning of friendship; before they can save themselves and the sweet inhabitants of... CANDY PLANET!.

Re: The End of the Tiny World - Half a Year Later

Re: The End of the Tiny World - Half a Year Later

Six months ago, life went dark for the underworld negotiator Kida when his lifelong friend and fellow former outcast Makoto became embroiled in a deadly plot. Makoto had risen to become the head of a powerful trading firm, but the events that unfolded on Christmas Eve put an end to all that. Since then, Kida has continued to drift through life without a single bright spark to light up his life. Nobody cares if he lives or dies except his underworld boss, who values Kida’s inimitable skills..

Masters of the Planet

Masters of the Planet

On a sunny summer morning, a day before the wedding, the groom's parents visit the bride's parents. They all quickly discover that it is not their spouses who are their soul mates. As a result of the meeting, the couples reshuffle and two new relationships are formed. They start to drift away from each other, especially after their children's text message saying that the wedding is called off, as the bride and groom got in an argument and broke up. One of the couples starts behaving as if it took over the bride and groom's place. They practice their dance, taste wedding dishes, and finally, begin to interfere with the wedding decoration. The other couple tries to restore everything to its original state, to eventually respond with aggression, giving rise to a rapidly escalating conflict..

The End of the Tiny World

The End of the Tiny World

Kida and Makoto grew up together because they have it in common that they don't have parents. And a transfer student, Yotchi, also gets along with them because she has a similar background, which is that they come from not such a good home environment. They spent their school life supporting each other. But, at the age of 20, Yotchi disappeared. Then Lisa, the daughter of a politician and a top model, appears in front of the two men. Makoto takes an unusual romantic interest in Lisa, who lives in a different world from them, and asked her out to dinner, but she does not take him up on it at all. Kida warns Makoto to give up on her because they live in different worlds, but Makoto quits his job and vanishes without a trace..