

voir film The Long Way Home streaming vf

The Long way Home

The Long way Home

En 1953, alors que la guerre de Corée bat son plein, Nam-bok, soldat sud coréen est chargé de délivrer un document militaire secret qui pourrait changer le cours de la guerre. Mais après l'avoir perdu lors d'une attaque ennemi, il devra faire face à un adolescent nord coréen qui a le document en sa possession..

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

A retired widower wanders away from his daughter's home, hooks up with a free-spirited young woman, and goes on a cross-country odyssey to look up an old flame he's recently heard from after 55 years..

Les chemins de la liberté

Les chemins de la liberté

Quelques mois avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une extraordinaire opération de sauvetage a arraché 10 000 enfants et adolescents juifs au régime nazi. Rapatriés en Grande-Bretagne pour être adoptés, ils durent tisser de nouveaux liens familiaux, supporter les bombardements pour certains, aller libérer leurs propres parents restés en Allemagne. Ils ont tous d'inoubliables histoires à raconter dans ce documentaire..

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

A documentary about Boris Grebenshikov, frontman of the legendary Russian art-rock band Akvarium ("Аквариум"). It was filmed as part of promo campaign for his own first album released in English and recorded with Eurythmics..

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

A peasant Xingfa Ma works at a garage in Beijing. One day, he receives a phone call from his loved one, Ga, saying his mom is ill at hospital and need money. Xing fa comes to his boss brother Kun and asking for salary, but rejected by his boss. He has no choice but to buy scalped ticket using his left savings and borrow many from other workers. What he doesn't know is an unimaginably queer life is lying ahead him....

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

Ray Priest leaves his wife, Maria, after they row at a family wedding. As he drives into the night he picks up a young hitch-hiker. The hitch-hiker is a mysterious character, sometimes menacing, sometimes acting as confidant, allowing Ray to explore his relationship with his family. When the car runs out of petrol they must walk to a nearby garage. Ray's vulnerability becomes evident as they walk through a forest in the dark..

A Long Way Home

A Long Way Home

Near the end of 1990s, the forestry industry began to "reduce production, limit logging, and lay off workers." For the first time, Gu Changshan's family and members of the 923 work team faced the choice of staying….

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

When childcare falls through, Clara decides to brings her eight-year-old daughter, Dora, along on a nighttime mission, treading a thin line between danger and family outing..

The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story

The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story

This thriller, a Best Narrative Feature winner at the New York International Film Festival, takes viewers into the wilds of the Appalachian Mountains with D.J. Galloway (James "Bubba" Cromer), a down-on-his-luck journalist on the hunt for Bigfoot. Hoping a big story will come out of it to propel him back up the ladder of success, Galloway instead finds a way back to himself. So what's behind the sightings? It's a true discovery when he finds out..

Take the Long Way Home - Live in Montreal

Take the Long Way Home - Live in Montreal

"Take The Long Way Home" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Give A Little Bit" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Lovers In The Wind" (Roger Hodgson) "Hide In Your Shell" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Oh Brother" (Roger Hodgson) "The Logical Song" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Easy Does It" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Sister Moonshine" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Love Is A Thousand Times" (Roger Hodgson) "Breakfast In America" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Don't Leave Me Now" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Dreamer" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "It's Raining Again" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "School" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Two Of Us" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson) "Give A Little Bit" (Rick Davies, Roger Hodgson).



Il a été adopté il y a vingt ans en France. En 2014, le jeune homme est revenu en Bulgarie pour visiter sa mère biologique et ses sept frères et soeurs dans un des Ghetto tziganes de Sofia. Le film est l’histoire de cette rencontre émouvante et troublante..

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

Au cours de la bataille de Sarikamis, opposant l’Empire russe à l’Empire ottoman au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale, un groupe composé de sept individus de différentes classes sociales réussit à fuir la zone de combat et à trouver un chemin hors de danger pour permettre à chacun de retourner à la maison. Ils arrivent pourtant dans un village abandonné, en plein hiver et bientôt, la nourriture vient à manquer….

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

One morning Joel finds his wife's dog Elvis half dead. This forces him out of home, something he has avoided for a long time. After forgetting his keys inside, he'll spend the day desperately trying to get back into his flat, his shelter..