

voir film The Last Time streaming vf

The Last Sharknado : It's About Time !

The Last Sharknado : It's About Time !

Après avoir perdu tout ce qui lui était cher, Fin se retrouve à errer seul sur Terre. Mais il va découvrir qu’en utilisant la tempête de requins comme portail, il peut voyager dans le temps. Il sera obligé de faire un périple temporel pour arrêter le Sharknado à l’origine de tout et sauver sa famille. Fin croisera des requins mais aussi des Nazis, des dinosaures et des chevaliers. Arrivera-t-il à sauver le monde une fois pour toute avec son équipe ?.

The Last Time

The Last Time

Ted, un directeur commercial cynique et blasé, enseigne les ficelles du métier à Jamie, un novice dans le domaine. Malgré son cynisme, Ted tombe amoureux de Belisa, la fiancée de Jamie, et commence lentement à perdre l’agressivité qui a fait de lui un vendeur si redoutable. Il néglige son boulot pour se consacrer presque exclusivement à Belisa. Ce n’est que lorsque l’entreprise est victime d’une prise de contrôle hostile que l’ingénieuse escroquerie est dévoilée..

The First Time Is the Last Time

The First Time Is the Last Time

Ma Yuk Fung est une jeune femme en possession de drogue arrêtée par la police. Cette drogue était celle de son petit-ami, Robert. Elle écope de six mois de prison et devient alors la détenue 7144. Une fois incarcérée, elle fait la connaissance d’une co-détenue enceinte tout en étant maltraitée par les leaders de la prison ainsi que les gardiennes....

The Last Time

The Last Time

Vincent Cafarelli and Candy Kugel worked together for 38 years making animated films -- both commercial and personal. Unexpectedly Vincent, after a full day at work, went home, went to bed and never woke up..

The Last Time

The Last Time

Old friends, Peter and Will, take their yearly road trip upstate in an attempt to perfectly recreate the drug fueled traditions of past years..

The Last Time

The Last Time

Bad habits are hard to stub out. Dir. Christine Hooper reminisces over her struggles to quit smoking in her playful Random Acts short 'The Last Time'.

La Dernière Fois que j'ai vu Paris

La Dernière Fois que j'ai vu Paris

Paris 1945, à la libération. Charles, jeune écrivain américain fréquente deux jeunes soeurs, Marion et Helen, et finit par épouser la seconde. Très vite le ménage bat de l'aile, Helen court les soirées et les boîtes de nuit en compagnie de son excentrique de père, James, tandis que Charles s'escrime à écrire des romans qui n'ont aucun succès. Involontairement, il cause la mort de sa femme, et désespéré s'en retourne aux Etats-Unis, laissant la garde de sa petite fille Vicky à Marion....

Suicide Club

Suicide Club

Neal Cassady vit la vie dure dans les années 40, travaillant à The Tire Yard et courant les jupons partout en ville. Toutefois, il a des visions d'une vie heureuse avec les enfants et une clôture blanche. Lorsque sa petite amie, Joan, tente de se tuer, il prend peur et s'enfuit. Mais quand Johan réapparaît, se réjouira-t-il de son retour, ou lui tournera-t-il le dos ?.

The Last Time

The Last Time

Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the grandson of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers..

The Last Time I Saw Richard

The Last Time I Saw Richard

Dans un hôpital psychiatrique, un jeune homme troublé fait la rencontre d'un nouveau colocataire discret. Ils deviennent amis proches, rapprochés par une menace mutuelle qui pourrait bien être réelle..

The Last Time You Had Fun

The Last Time You Had Fun

When Ida, cheeks streaked by mascara tears, unexpectedly shows up at her sister's, the staid Alison bargains her way out of mom duty for the night and the two head off to an Eastside wine bar. There, they run into Will and the freshly divorced, sweatpants-attired Clark. After some slightly inebriated commiserating about mismanaged marriages and other adult concerns, the foursome head out into the night, careening from downtown lofts to pot dispensaries to midnight swims and back again, determined to prove they still have what it takes to have a good time..

Time of the Last Persecution (2012)

Time of the Last Persecution (2012)

Assembling moments of eruptive beauty from five films, all of which were made in the early 1980s, Time of the Last Persecution reanimates the force of metamorphosis in the rhythm of a soaring cadenza. The video is structured through the rapid montage and the close up, yet it observes the gliding pace of the circular slow motion..

For the Last Time

For the Last Time

For The Last Time... is a British entertainment show, celebrating music. The first episode aired on 25 September 2010, presented by Christine Bleakley, starring Simply Red and The Birmingham Irish Pipes and Drums. The second episode aired in December 2011, also hosted by Bleakley but featuring music by Westlife. The show is recorded at The London Studios..

John Farnham - The Last Time

John Farnham - The Last Time

This DVD is a complete and uncut recording of the final show of John Farnham’s “The Last Time” tour on June 15th 2003. It features over two hours of footage and contains all of Farnham’s classics including “You’re The Voice”, “That’s Freedom”, “Burn for you”, “Pressure Down” and “Two Strong Hearts”. It even features a performance of the much loved “Sadie”, a song John has not performed live for several years. This DVD also features a bonus documentary entitled “Under the big top” which chronicles John’s regional tour of Australia which started in Kalgoorlie last January and finished in Cairns in May this year. The sound is recorded in 5.1 Dolby Digital surround and the whole package is testament to the showmanship, sheer mastery and professionalism of this much loved Australian..

The Last Good Time

The Last Good Time

A reclusive aging widower struggling with tax problems has a complete change in his views of life as he has a chance encounter with a young woman who moves in with him briefly..