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The Grey Zone

The Grey Zone

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Hoffman est un juif chargé par les nazis d'aller récupérer les corps de ses codétenus tués dans les chambres à gaz et de mettre de côté tout ce qui peut avoir de la valeur. Un jour, il trouve une fillette vivante parmi les morts..

The Grey Zone

The Grey Zone

"The Grey Zone" documents the last remaining land dispute between the US and Canada, which is a 20-acre island in the Gulf of Maine. 277 square-miles of ocean surrounding the island is also disputed, and lobster fishermen from Maine and Canada compete over this precious fishing ground also known as "The Grey Zone"..

Parasyte : The Grey

Parasyte : The Grey

Quand des parasites inconnus s'emparent violemment d'hôtes humains et gagnent du pouvoir, l'humanité se mobilise pour lutter contre cette menace qui ne cesse de croître..

The Grey Zones

The Grey Zones

At the age of 21, Nicolás decides to get his first HIV test. The uncertainty about the disease will affect the relationship with his family and his sexual life during the weekend he awaits the results..

Grey Zone

Grey Zone

On an urban cross-walk, Neta runs into a man who touches her abruptly and without her consent. Without coming up with a clear plan, Neta finds herself following him..