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The Giraffe

The Giraffe

M is a woman Who lives alone. She suffers from insomnia and she needs someone to sleep with her. The process is the following: she finds different people to sleep with each time. She wants the touch of another body in her bed..

The Giraffe

The Giraffe

Ahmed drives through the derelict nightscape of Cairo, anxious to secure money to pay for an abortion for a young woman - a procedure that must take place immediately. He comes across an intriguing group of young people, led by a woman who aims to solve the enigma surrounding a giraffe rumoured to be hidden at the Cairo zoo. As an absurd chain of events unfolds, Ahmed is distracted from his mission.

Anne Dagg la passion des girafes

Anne Dagg la passion des girafes

En 1956, la biologiste canadienne de 23 ans, Anne Innis Dagg, a effectué un voyage en solitaire sans précédent en Afrique du Sud. Elle a été la première personne au monde à étudier le comportement animal à l'état sauvage sur ce continent. Lorsqu'elle est rentrée chez elle un an plus tard, armée de recherches révolutionnaires, les obstacles insurmontables auxquels elle était confrontée en tant que femme scientifique se sont révélés bien plus difficiles à surmonter. La première «girafeologue»du monde, dont les recherches ont finalement servi de base à de nombreux scientifiques, livre un portrait intime..

Saving Giraffes: The Long Journey Home

Saving Giraffes: The Long Journey Home

Les girafes de la vallée du Grand Rift, au Kenya, ont pratiquement disparu, car leur population a été anéantie par le braconnage et la guerre. Après des décennies de conflit, les communautés de la région entreprennent de réintroduire des girafes, en commençant par un troupeau de huit individus. Cependant, les pluies diluviennes causent des inondations massives, et le troupeau se retrouve en situation de détresse. Une équipe de vétérinaires, de responsables locaux et de défenseurs de l'environnement doit alors se lancer dans une mission de sauvetage risquée avant qu'il ne soit trop tard..

The Soft Giraffe

The Soft Giraffe

In order to create an organic and psychedelic imagery by the use of Un Chien Andalou's footage as source material, Guillaume Vallée has been playing on the 16mm film emulsion for months using different cameraless techniques. As a result, heavy multiple layered images are being shown as sparkles of decaying and dying memories. With the sound treatment of Jane L. Kasowicz, from the musical pieces that use to be presented with Un Chien Andalou, used synthesis sound in order to create a new piece. The soundtrack has been transfered into a magnetic tape in order to manipulate the sound in a physical manner in destroying the actual magnetic tape with magnets and direct interactions..

The Last Giraffe

The Last Giraffe

An engaging tale of the efforts of a real-life American wildlife photographer and her safari guide husband to save the endangered Rothschild giraffe of Kenya by adopting an orphaned animal whose mother had been slain by a notorious poacher..

Steam Powered Giraffe: The Quest for the Eternal Harp of Golden Dreams

Steam Powered Giraffe: The Quest for the Eternal Harp of Golden Dreams

Filmed back in 2011, watch robots Rabbit, The Spine, and The Jon from the band Steam Powered Giraffe come to life in this madcap, phantasmagorical musical escapade. This video showcases recorded performances of the band Steam Powered Giraffe fan-favorite songs, a fantastical fantasy side story about a sorcerer and his band of heroes, and also a behind-the-scenes peek into the humorous inner workings of Colonel Peter Walter's Steam Man Band. Steam Powered Giraffe songs performed in this film (in order): Ju Ju Magic Steam Man Band/Clockwork Vaudeville On Top of the Universe Electricity is in My Soul Sound of Tomorrow Honeybee Automatonic Electronic Harmonics Out in the Rain Captain Albert Alexander Me and My Baby Steam Man Band (Reprise) Brass Goggles.

The Giraffe Who Knew Too Much

The Giraffe Who Knew Too Much

The story plays out in a not-so-distant future where corporations, in conjunction with the government, decide what should be said, read, and published throughout all media. A small 5 year-old boy named Tom, who lives with his single mother, Jill, in New York, has to give up his favorite book; 'The Giraffe That Knew Too Much'-- because it got put on a list of censored books. Not understanding what is going on around him, Tom just wants to hold on to his favorite book, while his mother doesn't want to upset the higher powers. The story is an innocent look at censorship through the eyes of a child..

Giraffe - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Progfest 1994

Giraffe - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Progfest 1994

In 1994, Kevin Gilbert reformed his progressive rock band Giraffe for one special performance of Genesis' opus The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway at Progfest 94. The concert took place at the Variety Arts Center in Los Angeles, CA on November 5, 1994. The performance does not include the entire Lamb album (several songs were omitted due to time constraints), but two non-Lamb Genesis tracks were included in the set..

The Giraffe

The Giraffe

Lena Katz, who is German, and David Fish, who is American, are Jews who live in New York. When Lena's mother, who arrives from Germany, meets her at a hotel, she finds an almost-dead woman lying on the hotel floor. She accompanies the injured woman to the hospital and meets David, who is the woman's son. After David's mother dies from the injuries, a question remains: was she murdered? The trail leads to Germany. Apparently, Lena's mother has some kind of relationship with David's mother that reaches back into the dark German history of the 1940s.

The Giraffe in the Window

The Giraffe in the Window

Thieves Svarc and Cihák are interrupted in their robbery of a jeweler's store. In order to disappear as quickly as possible, they jump into the nearest car and leave, finding on the way that a little boy named Jirka, son of the car's owner, is with them. They take him to a cottage where Cihák's eighteen-year old daughter Milena attends to him. Jirka first treats Milena with hostility, but as days pass, the "prisoner" and the "guard" become close. Milena cooks for the boy and takes care of him, but nothing can intimidate the dauntless Jirka and he seeks for the first opportunity to escape..

Me and the Giraffes at the Lunapark

Me and the Giraffes at the Lunapark

Sara is going to the fair with her mom. But when her mother stops to talk to someone, Sara finds that waiting while they talk is really boring. Suddenly two giraffes appear. Along with them comes a lazy crocodile. They wonder if Sara wants to come along with them to the merry-go-round….

Les Dernières Girafes

Les Dernières Girafes

Kenya, 2050. The reserve has dwindled to half its size, under pressure from farmers who have enlarged their territory at the expense of the animals. Among the latter, the last giraffe just died. To be able to admire this fabulous beast again, you’d have to go back to 2016, when it became clear that the biggest living land animal was threatened with extinction due to poaching and loss of habitat. Thanks to some spectacular images of this enchanted place with its abundant biodiversity, this film offers a new type of documentary experience, to understand how this symbol of the African continent could end up disappearing from the planet. By imagining its future, it reveals to us the reality of life in the wild and the daily life of this animal, few of which reach adulthood. We follow in the footsteps of Twiga's family, one of the last baby giraffes, who attends helplessly at the death of his mother. A heartfelt tribute to this mammal whose unique anatomy continues to fascinate..

Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffes

Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffes

The economic crisis, a teddy bear with suicidal tendencies named Judy Garland, the Discovery Channel, a black panther and the Russian playwright Anton Tchekhov are all part of the heroic adventure of a little girl who has a problem to solve..

Raf, ma girafe

Raf, ma girafe

Patterson, un petit garçon, a un très grand ami : Raf, une girafe. Ils sont nés le même jour, vivent l'un à côté de l'autre et sont inséparables. Quand arrive l'heure d'entrer à l'école, Patterson découvre, une fois sur place, que son ami girafe ne pourra l'y accompagner. C'est alors que Patterson élabore un plan brillant pour conduire son ami girafe à l'école !.