

voir film Ted Bundy streaming vf

Ted Bundy : Craquer pour un assassin

Ted Bundy : Craquer pour un assassin

Un aperçu unique sur les motivations et la personnalité du tristement célèbre tueur en série Ted Bundy, élaboré à partir d'interviews actuelles, d'images d'archives et d'enregistrements audio réalisés par Bundy dans le couloir de la mort..

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy est un étudiant qui présente bien, a une petite amie et épie d'autres filles par leurs fenêtres d'appartements sous lesquelles il se masturbe. Un soir, il entre chez l'une d'elle, la frappe à coups de marteau, la viole tout en la martelant de coups de poing. Ainsi commence la triste carrière d'un " inadapté social " pour lequel le terme " serial-killer " fut inventé..

Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman

Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman

Un spectre erre sur les autoroutes de l'Amérique graveleuse des années 1970, il s'appelle Ted Bundy. Les intrépides agents du FBI Kathleen McChesney et Robert Ressler, organisateurs de la plus grande chasse à l'homme de l'histoire pour appréhender le tueur en série le plus tristement célèbre d'Amérique, le poursuivent..

Ted Bundy: The Survivors

Ted Bundy: The Survivors

Ted Bundy est un meurtrier qui se fait passer pour un charmant étudiant en droit. Ses meurtres sont choquants, mais les histoires des femmes qui ont survécu sont inspirantes..

Evil Among Us: Ted Bundy

Evil Among Us: Ted Bundy

To the outside world, Ted Bundy was a law student, devoted friend, and church-going family man, but below the surface lurked something darker….a serial killer who took the lives of thirty young women in sadistic fits of rage. What drove Bundy’s insatiable appetite? How did he get away with it for so long? Were there any signs? And how has this maniacal killer made us reconsider the evil that may be hiding in our midst?.

Ted Bundy Had a Son

Ted Bundy Had a Son

Brandon is back! In this long-awaited unofficial sequel/spin-off to the Amateur Porn Star Killer trilogy. It is the first film in history to include more than 100 directors! Filmmakers from all around the world have contributed..

Fatal Addiction: Ted Bundy's Final Interview

Fatal Addiction: Ted Bundy's Final Interview

Ted Bundy, an infamous serial killer responsible for the murder of as many as 50 young women and girls, granted an interview to psychologist James Dobson just before he was executed on January 24, 1989. In that interview, he described the agony of his addiction to pornography. Bundy goes back to his roots, explaining the development of his compulsive behavior. He reveals his addiction to hardcore pornography and how it fueled the terrible crimes he committed..

The Ted Bundy Death Row Tapes

The Ted Bundy Death Row Tapes

Ted Bundy: The Death Row Tapes delves inside the mind of a convicted serial killer who waited nearly a decade behind bars until he was put to death. At the same time, the documentary digs into the thoughts of the men who interviewed Bundy while he was on death row. These men explain how the memories of Bundy’s words are stuck in their brains until the end of their lives. The men who interviewed Bundy had to experiment with several different tactics until they were able to convince Bundy to open up and talk. Bundy details his murders and gives insight into the personality he embraced that ultimately led to his evil behaviour. This series of interviews attempts to put into words how Bundy carried out such horrific crimes. Going deeper than that, though, the men who interview him are ultimately searching for why Bundy decided to kill..

Inside Ted : Dans la tête du serial killer

Inside Ted : Dans la tête du serial killer

En 1980, le tueur en série Ted Bundy est condamné à mort par électrocution. Dans les années qui ont suivi, en attendant l’exécution de sa sentence, il a accepté de divulguer les détails de ses crimes à un seul homme : l’agent du FBI Bill Hagmaier..