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South Wind

South Wind

Peter est un jeune délinquant de Belgrade plein d’ambition, spécialisé dans le vol de voitures. Mais le jour où il se trompe de véhicule il se met à dos le chef des narcotrafiquants de la ville. Son erreur va mettre sa vie en danger mais aussi celle de ses proches. Pour Peter, la descente aux enfers ne fait que commencer….

Certain Winds from the South

Certain Winds from the South

Issah visits his mother-in-law to inform her of his plan to go to the south of Ghana in search of a better life. A new day dawns, and the village awakens as we witness the socio-political and economic engagements driving his desire to migrate..

South Wind Knows

South Wind Knows

Fu Yunshen, a researcher at a pharmaceutical company, and Zhu Jiu, a surgeon embark on a humanitarian medical rescue in an underprivileged region. Their stories start from misunderstandings. After facing life and death dilemma together, they gradually grow feelings for each other. However, before they have a chance to confess their feelings, a tragic accident leaves Fu Yunshen in a deep abyss, prompting him to sever contacts with Zhu Jiu. A year later, Zhu Jiu reunites with Fu Yunshen as a family doctor. Enduring numerous obstacles created by Fu Yunshen, Zhu Jiu heals Yunshen’s wounded soul with her toughness, optimism, and unwavering love. She eventually guides Yunshen out of the depths of despair..

Three Windows on South West

Three Windows on South West

Starting from a picture of her apartment in Kyiv, filmmaker Mariia Ponomarova remembers the life she has lived there. In three conversations with her mother and her friends, they reminisce about sleepovers, the view from the window and drunken nights on the rooftop. Through these memories, she begins to reclaim the image of her home..

A Wind from the South

A Wind from the South

Set in Ireland, the story centers on a day in the life of Shevawn, an innocent, 30-year-old dreamer who is domineered by her innkeeper brother. An American tourist with a troubled marriage gives Shevawn's life new meaning..

The South Wind

The South Wind

An Inuit mother and daughter, Kumaa’naaq and Marguerite, must negotiate the pressures of assimilation after relocating to a new life in the South in the 1930s. Based on a true story..

Vent du sud

Vent du sud

Antonio Spagara, un jeune travailleur sicilien, a été chargé par la mafia de tuer un noble, le marquis Macri. Mais à la dernière minute Antonio renie son engagement et au lieu de tuer le père, il s'enfuit à Palerme avec Grazia, sa fille. La vie n'est pas un lit de roses dans la capitale sicilienne, car le jeune homme doit s'imposer face à son père et à sa soeur despotique Dorotea. Pour aggraver les choses, la mafia ne va pas tolérer la désertion d'Antonio ....

South Wind: On the Border

South Wind: On the Border

The king of the Serbian underground, Petar Maras, was defeated in a street war against the state. Work, friends, family, his life - everything is in the crosshairs of the "Red". And now, at the very end of the road, there was only one thing left for him: to continue..

Windows from the South

Windows from the South

A movie about a breakup. The narrative develops through the author's conversations with his long-time partner, and follows the contemplation of the end of a nine-year romantic relationship..

South Wind

South Wind

Amusing masterpiece from director Yoshimura Kazusabu divided in two parts taken from the newspaper serial novel of Shishiko Shishi. Like in "Warm Current", Shin Saburi, Mieko Takamine and Mitsuko Mito are appearing, but this is a fresh comedy very unusual for wartime..

South Wind

South Wind

A group of intellectuals holidaying together at an isolated beach become mentally unhinged by the presence of a beautiful English nudist..

South Wind 2

South Wind 2

In this comic sequel to Yoshimura Kozaburo's original, Minami no Kaze, ex-baron (Saburi Shin) is in Singapore where he meets an old friend who proposes a scam to make some quick cash. It involved inventing the story that Saigo Takamori didn't actually die in the Satsuma Rebellion but escaped to Southeast Asia to start a new religion and in the process fathered a son who is now the founder. But when they bring the supposed heir and his aide to Japan, chaos ensues....

Heroin. Wind from the South

Heroin. Wind from the South

The annual opium production in Afghanistan is equal to 150 billion single doses! This is 25 times more than the population of the globe. At the same time, even if all heroin production in Afghanistan is destroyed now, the current situation is that its reserves will last for future generations for at least another 100 years! At the same time, according to the UN, more than 100 thousand people die from Afghan heroin every year in the world. And every third of them is a Russian! There was no similar situation in the recent (relative to 2010) 2001: there were practically no poppy fields and drug laboratories in Afghanistan. But after the start of the anti-terrorist operation "Indestructible Freedom" (directed against the ruling Afghan Taliban regime and the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda") and after the introduction of US and NATO military contingents into Afghanistan, the production of opiates has increased 44 times in 9 years here!.

A Wind from the South

A Wind from the South

"A dialogue, in Guarani and Spanish, between two brothers trying to decide how to survive the war waged by Stroessner's troops in their isolated land. With a stunning soundtrack and a visual language that defies narrative, the film confronts us with the fundamental question of whether survival is to be found in migration or armed opposition." - From MoMA.

Wind from the South

Wind from the South

Néfissa, étudiante à Alger, rentre l'été dans son village du sud. Son père veut la marier au maire mais elle souhaite continuer ses études. Affrontant son père et l'opinion des villageois qui ne la comprennent pas, elle décide de fuir vers Alger. Le berger Rabah la découvrant blessée et perdue dans les montagnes, la fait soigner par sa mère. Au contact de Nefissa, Rabat prend conscience de sa condition d'exploité et découvre les possibilités que lui offrent les coopératives de la révolution agraire. Les deux jeunes gens vont parcourir ensemble l'étape décisive qui va leur permettre d'échapper à l'obscurantisme et à l'exploitation. D'après le roman "Le vent du sud" de Abdelhamid Benahouga.

South Wind - Tour Vol. 1

South Wind - Tour Vol. 1

One of the most pivotal Serbian bands tour Yugoslavia with the top 5 ensemble of their singers: Šemsa Suljaković, Kemal Malovčić, Mile Kitić, Dragana Mirković and Sinan Sakić..