

voir film Smash Cut streaming vf

Smash Cut

Smash Cut

Après que son dernier film ait été conspué par la critique, Able Whitman accepte de tourner une petite production horrifique. Se retrouvant par accident avec un cadavre sur les bras, il décide de cacher le corps parmi les effets spéciaux du film qui, bientôt, reçoit des louanges pour son réalisme..

Smash Cuts

Smash Cuts

Smash Cuts is an American syndication television series hosted by YouTube star Julian Smith. The program was a clip show with a difference and is presented by a group of internet savvy 20-somethings who string their chosen clips together with fast paced banter and comedic storylines. The series began airing on September 4, 2009 and season 2 began September 2010. It was cancelled in 2011 for unknown reasons..

Smash Cuts! Super Sci-Fi Shorts Fest

Smash Cuts! Super Sci-Fi Shorts Fest

Host Scott Forrest presents a curated compilation of eight independent short films in this rapid-fire science-fiction feature. Genres collide, narratives twist, aesthetics clash, and even humor, both campy and dystopian, showcase the vast creative possibilities of each story's individual world, offering the viewer a brief glimpse into the lives of every character's attempt to survive the otherworldly chaos around them. Released in 2001, the selected shorts span original creation dates of 1997 to 2001; most of the featured filmmakers also appear as themselves in short video interviews to talk about their inspirations, creative process and motivations while working on their individual shorts..