

voir film Silent Fall streaming vf

Silent Fallout: Baby Teeth Speak

Silent Fallout: Baby Teeth Speak

In 2001, 85,000 baby teeth were discovered in Missouri, collected 50 years earlier in a study on the radioactive consequences of nuclear testing conducted on US soil. Carried by the wind, radioactive material produced by more than 100 nuclear explosions contaminated pastures, vegetables and water across the continent. Scientists and mothers in St. Louis, who launched the ambitious project to measure Strontium 90 in baby teeth, uncovered the disturbing environmental consequences of nuclear arms testing. Featuring narration from Alec Baldwin, director Hideaki Ito unveils the shocking legacy of nuclear testing in the US and the ongoing policy decisions shaping our future..

The Silent Fall

The Silent Fall

The Silent Fall is inspired by the iconic aria from the opera, La Traviata. With themes of desire and mortality, our film (filmed on 16mm) is about an ambitious fighter pilot who must face her fate after a devastating plane crash. Shot on location surrounded by 500-ft tall sand dunes, this contemporary silent film is a poignant piece that features minimalist yet surrealist visual storytelling..

Quietus Falls Silent

Quietus Falls Silent

In March 2022, Quietus Horror, an extreme immersive horror theatre group based in Belgium, performed "Sommeil", an intimate show about suicidal idolation. This short documentary offers a unique behind-the-scenes look and follows the creator of Quietus Horror before, during, and after the show - delving into the why, and the why-not of immersive horror..