

voir film Side by Side streaming vf

Jimi All Is by My Side

Jimi All Is by My Side

Les débuts de carrière de Jimi Hendrix avant que celui-ci ne devienne l’immense guitariste que nous connaissons tous. À travers ses galères, ses amours et sa consommation d’hallucinogènes, Jimi Hendrix fera parler de lui grâce à l’originalité de son jeu de gaucher et sa quête de sonorités toujours plus innovantes..

Side by Side

Side by Side

Side by Side is a British sitcom starring Gareth Hunt and Louisa Rix that was broadcast for two series from 1992 to 1993. It was written by Richard Ommanney, who had also written Three Up, Two Down..

Les couleurs de la liberté

Les couleurs de la liberté

Winner of the International Emmy Award for Best Telenovela, "Side by Side" focuses on two women of different origins and social classes. The brave Isabel, daughter of a former slave and in love with the capoeira player Zé Maria; and Laura, descendant from a wealthy family and destined to an undesired marriage to Edgar. In addition to an unshakable friendship, the two share the same purpose in life: the conquest of freedom in the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro of the early 20th century..

Side by Side

Side by Side

Norwegian sitcom about life on an idyllic street in Granli Norway, where the fences are low and neighborly relations close. Here we meet the residents who struggle with life's challenges big and small, trials all of us can relate to..

Sunshine by My Side

Sunshine by My Side

Jian Bing is a well-known advertising director in the industry, while Sheng Yang is a newcomer just entering society. They meet by chance at a restaurant—a recently divorced woman and a person waiting for love in vain. With Sheng Yang's companionship, Jian Bing regains confidence in life and love. Under Jian Bing's guidance and encouragement, Sheng Yang grows from an inexperienced and impulsive young man, showing his potential. They heal each other and gradually develop feelings. However, they face unavoidable obstacles in reality—identity and experience differences, opposition from their families, and workplace gossip. Jian Bing and Sheng Yang decide to leave the future in the hands of time. They dedicate many first experiences to each other, and it is through this trust and shared journey that they become better versions of themselves. After going through twists and turns, they once again find their way back to each other..

Side by Side

Side by Side

Field Productions is proud to announce their seventh ski movie production, "Side By Side". With the most influencial and diverse line up of athletes and a bag of unique locations they can assure that this one is their best so far. The move brings a new look on the urban scene, massive tricks in the terrain parks, intense big mountain skiing on the most scenic locations in Norway. deep blower powder in Haines AK and Interior BC. Shot on the RED One and other HD cameras that results in a crisp high quality experience. As a viewer, you will get behind the movie set during the movie, with a feeling that you are presence on the location where the action goes down. Get closer to the drama, the reality, and the endless joy that skiing gives you..

Who's By Your Side

Who's By Your Side

Directed by Peter Ho, the ten-part show with 60-minute episodes, explores relationship issues and marital challenges, and depicts painful dilemmas for the characters through a unique lens on their daily lives. The screenplay is by Ho and Chiang Yu-Chu..

Side by Side

Side by Side

Three men who have just been forced to retire convince their bank to finance their dream: To produce a line of clothing for senior citizens..

Side by Side

Side by Side

Lauren and her younger brother Harvey risk being taken into care when their grandmother, who is their legal guardian, becomes ill. Lauren accepts the offer of a scholarship to a prestigious sports academy on the understanding that she and Harvey stay together while living with Janice, her duplicitous and ambitious agent. It soon becomes clear that there are plans to split the pair up; when Harvey runs away to find their long-lost grandfather, who hasn’t been heard from for years, Lauren follows. En route the pair discover that, despite all their differences, when they are side by side they are strong enough to deal with anything. This beautifully shot British debut is part family drama, part coming of age story and a road trip that nods towards some of the greats of children’s literature. The young leads give compelling and moving performances that make for an emphatically British family film that’s refreshingly free of even the hint of a franchise. (Source: LFF programme).

Side by Side

Side by Side

Through daily routines in a rural village, an indigenous elder couple recall their strange marriage to their grand-daughter, and sometimes to each other, in the changing rhythm of nature around them..

The Project 17 : Side by Side

The Project 17 : Side by Side

Ping An is an autistic teenager who gains recognition for being a badminton prodigy. Zihao is his younger brother and a fellow badminton player. Xiao Na is a bright and cheery young woman who helps out at her grandpa's badminton court for the summer. She gets close to both brothers and becomes attracted to Zihao. However, their journey is not as smooth-sailing as they'd hope and the two brothers are pushed to a difficult crossroad..

Stay by My Side

Stay by My Side

Bu Xia is brought up by his grandfather, who is a spiritual medium. After his grandfather’s funeral, he finds himself hearing voices murmur in his ears now and then. He thinks he’s suffering from hallucinations and is ready to seek medical treatment but is surprised to find that the voices in his ears, like a Dolby stereo, are the voices of ghosts! He is as dumbfounded as if he has just received a vaccination. Jiang Chi is Bu Xia’s roommate and excels in both sports and academics. When Bu Xia finds out that the more he gets in touch with Jiang Chi, the more he doesn’t hear any ghostly voice, he starts to find ways to approach Jiang Chi. Is it because of Jiang Chi’s charm? The more Jiang Chi knows, the more confused he becomes..

Les trois visages d'Ana

Les trois visages d'Ana

Ana Lucía, Ana Leticia et Ana Laura sont des triplées identiques avec des personnalités très différentes. Leurs parents sont morts dans un accident de voiture (causé par Ana Leticia) quand elles étaient plus jeunes. On croyait qu'Ana Lucía s'était noyée dans la rivière dans laquelle la voiture familiale est tombée et que seules Ana Leticia et Ana Laura avaient survécu. Soledad Hernández, une femme de la région, qui souffre de la perte de sa jeune fille, trouve Ana Lucía dans la rivière et l'élève comme son propre enfant. Quelques années plus tard, Ana Lucía est une jeune femme joyeuse et pleine de vie, passionnée de chiromancie et la danse trapéziste, elle fait des rêves récurrents au propos des trois fillettes identiques. Ana Laura est devenue une jeune femme douce, calme et solitaire, Excellente pianiste et dont tout le monde loue la générosité de cœur. Elle veut retrouver sa sœur disparue, refusant de croire qu'elle est morte. L'accident a rendu Ana Laura unijambiste. Elle tombe amoureuse de Ramiro, mais ne se pense pas digne d'amour en raison de son handicap. Ramiro est désolé pour elle. Ana Leticia est très différente de ses sœurs. Elle est superficielle, égoïste, ambitieuse et manipulatrice. Elle veut toujours être le centre de l'attention, en particulier avec sa grand-mère, Ernestina, et son oncle, Mariano, ne voulant pas retrouver sa sœur disparue pour ne pas être invisible sans compter qu'Ana Laura s'attire l'affection de tout le monde malgré son handicap ; en vérité elle craint à l'inverse de ses des sœurs de n'avoir rien de spécial. Ana Leticia s'allie à Iñaki qui devient son amant et complice. Le mari d’Ana Leticia, Marcelo, est détective privé. Apprenant que celui-ci est sur le point de retrouver Ana Lucía, Ana Leticia envoie un homme de main pour l’abattre. Marcelo survit à ses blessures mais devient amnésique. La femme qui l’a sauvé lui donne un nouveau nom. Et Marcelo devient Santiago. Sans le savoir, Ana Leticia va, par ses stratagèmes incessants, pousser Marcelo/Santiago dans les bras de la sœur qu’elle n’a jamais revue. Ana Lucía et Soledad se rendent à la ville de Mexico. Ana Lucía tombe amoureuse de Santiago, un chauffeur de taxi qui ne se souvient pas de son passé en raison d'une amnésie. Les liens du sang finiront-ils par triompher ? Les trois sœurs, autrefois séparées, vont-elles être réunies ? Ana Leticia réalisera-t-elle que ses sœurs sont une partie d'elle ?.