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Sea of Lies

Sea of Lies

Lorsqu'un couple infidèle qui tente de sauver son mariage tombe sur un autre couple en mer, leur voyage en bateau tourne au cauchemar..

Violet like the sea

Violet like the sea

Viola Vitale, Miss Italy and fashion journalist, returns to Sicily to look for her father. She starts working for a digital news company and joins police inspector Francesco Demir in solving crime with the help of synesthesia..

Portraits in a Sea of Lies

Portraits in a Sea of Lies

A young woman experiences the worst life has to over in this depressing but worthwhile Colombian drama tinged with a hint of magical realism. Paola Baldion plays Marina, a withdrawn teenager whose abusive grand-dad houses her in a dilapidated shed. When the old fart pops his clogs, Marina passes into the care of cousin Jairo (Julian Roman), a cheesecake photographer who "hires" her to help him with his gear, and the two end up taking an episodic road trip as they travel to reclaim grandpa's legacy. Unpleasant flashbacks to Marina's tragic childhood ensue. Yep, the good times never end in this one! Known in English as Portraits in a Sea of Lies, this meditation on the 50-year long Colombian civil war - as seen through the grueling experiences of our heroine - won the Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature at the 14th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival..

Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea

Marakkar: Lion of the Arabian Sea

‘Marakkar Lion of the Arabian Sea’ portrays the courageous life-events of a rebellious naval chief, Kunjali Marakkar the fourth, who fought against the Portuguese in the ancient times. He was the fourth naval chief of the Calicut Zamorin. The film revolves around him who was also the first Indian Naval Commander and Indian freedom fighter for the war against the Portuguese. He is said to have won 16 such battles with his impeccable strategies and fighting skills..

Le Sens du Devoir 7

Le Sens du Devoir 7

John, membre d'équipage d'un bateau chargé de drogue qui doit rentrer illégalement à Hong-Kong, retrouve son ami Gary et sa sœur à bord d'un boat people vietnamien qui....

Écoutez les grondements de l'océan

Écoutez les grondements de l'océan

Ce film est fortement marqué par son opposition à la guerre. Le scénario est basé sur la collection d'écrits d'étudiants soldats japonais morts pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'action se déroule en Birmanie. On y voit les problèmes quotidiens des soldats en contraste avec leurs idées et le cynisme de leurs commandants. Les soldats sont également victimes de brimades de la part de leurs commandants..

Il n'y a pas de couvercle sur la mer

Il n'y a pas de couvercle sur la mer

Mari (Akiko Kikuchi) en a eu assez de vivre à Tokyo et a décidé de retourner dans sa petite ville natale de la préfecture de Shizuoka. Elle ouvre une petite boutique vendant des kakigōri (spécialité de flocons de glace au sirop) dont elle se régale. Mari dirige le magasin avec Hajime-chan (Azusa Mine) qui a une grande cicatrice de brûlure sur le visage..

Sea Light

Sea Light

An elder lighthouse keeper takes care of what has been his home for years. Old and secluded from society, he's disturbed by mysterious bottled letters. These and an unexpected malfunction make him doubt his job, his life and his existence..

Sea Lion

Sea Lion

Robin is exiled from society after he is accused of murdering a man named Ibrahim in a fight. Twenty years later Ibrahim's son, Mahmud, begins a search for his father's killer. He soon reaches the island of Sampojo, where he finds Robin. The exile has taken up piracy and now uses the name "Singa Laoet" (The Sea Lion). After one of Robin's men, Hasan, kidnaps a girl whom he loves, Mahmud tracks the kidnapper down and fights him to the death. It is later revealed that Hasan, not Robin, was the one who killed Ibrahim.

Lions in the Sea

Lions in the Sea

The members of the summer service group in Dong-A Women University go up LST under the command of Commander Lee, the head of the public information team. The guards in the fleet grow restless and there are various happenings. To establish a new order, Captain Park Sang-Do directs field training including the students. Jeong-A apologies for rejecting the training and joins the public information activities. On the wedding day of Jeong Tae-Yeon, a discharged soldier, and Sun-I, a lady in an island, Captain Park and Master Sergeant Jang get on board an express boat. They sink the spy ship but Master Sergeant Jang dies in battle. The burial at sea is held and the students mourn over his death, too..