

voir film Scumbag streaming vf



A young hipster wannabe-superstar dj, Phil, takes on a day job at a telemarketing company, working with crazy people, ex-prisoners, drug addicts and murderers. The time on his life begins to tick as he battles addiction, fights the law and tries to maintain the only sane thing left in his life, his girlfriend, Christine..



Scumbag fills up his days smoking cigarettes and looking for opportunities on the street to make a quick buck. When he stumbles upon a loaded handgun his situation quickly escalates as he tests his new found power..

Scumbag System

Scumbag System

Shen Yuan must find a way to befriend Luo Binghe so that he has no reason to seek revenge on his teacher in the future. But with the set series of tragedies meant to befall the protagonist at the hands of Shen Qingqiu, this teacher has his work cut out for him..



Political thriller based on the bestselling book of the same name by writer Arpad Soltész. It is set in the world of high politics, organized crime and big money. A promising member of parliament with the support of mafia starts his own party, which later wins the election with a landslide, and he becomes Prime Minister. Together with him, the country will be ruled by criminals who control the police, the courts and state business and subsidies. The mafia is also behind the disappearance of a teenager, Broni, from a rehabilitation centre. The girl is missing only by her friend Nada. She tells journalist Ondra about the missing inmate and the strange practices used by the management of the facility, such as forced sex or drugging. Based on her testimony, the young editor embarks on a dangerous investigation to uncover high-ranking politicians' links to the underworld and expose their abuse of power to enrich themselves and manipulate others..

Scumbag Hustler

Scumbag Hustler

Soloman Crow pays a visit to his god fearing, bible quoting, closeted homosexual brother and his sexually repressed wife. He enters their home with a proclamation to kick a drug habit that almost cost him his life. Broke, it doesn't take Soloman long to start conning and scheming his way around the city to feed his ravenous cravings for dope and sex. Even his brother's wife isn't immune to Soloman's mind games... If you want a hero with redeeming qualities, look somewhere else..

Urban Scumbags vs. Countryside Zombies

Urban Scumbags vs. Countryside Zombies

In a private educational institution in the provinces, mentally ill people, freaks, drug addicts and their militant, perverted educators gather. When terrorists conjure up a biological catastrophe, the inhabitants of the nearby village mutate into living dead, ready to go into battle against the freaks..

American Scumbags

American Scumbags

American Scumbags is the second full length feature by Denver auteur filmmaker Dakota Ray. The film is a punk rock themed crime film that features three interconnected stories revolving around heroin addicted drug dealer/hitman Johnny (Dakota Ray), sadistic psychopath convict Billy (Darrien Fawkes) and drug kingpin Chester (Fred Epstein). The film takes the viewer into a seedy underworld where crime and drugs rule..

The Rise and Fall of an American Scumbag

The Rise and Fall of an American Scumbag

The Rise and Fall of an American S* is a depraved hardcore punk themed drug film from Denver auteuer filmmaker Dakota Ray (American Antichrist, The Acid Sorcerer) The film documents the rise and eventual self destruction of several murderous, drug addicted bottom dwelling characters and takes the viewer on a dark and nihilistic journey full of drugs and death..

Zombie Scumbags

Zombie Scumbags

A 10.000-year-old caveman is found preserved in ice, the army loses a sample from the caveman that contains a zombie illness. Soon a sleepy Norfolk village is overrun with zombies.



In a post-apocalyptic, near future world, a man recruits the help of an old friend to complete a heist before an exotic drug he just took kicks in..

Scumbag Millionaire

Scumbag Millionaire

Part one of a three part short film saga about a criminal gang member, Danny, who falls out with his boss, mates, another gang, his girlfriend is kidnapped and if that wasn't bad enough, he's gone and won the lottery. Sometimes winning isn't all that lucky..

Love Songs for Scumbags

Love Songs for Scumbags

Doug Blankenship est un artiste folk américain raté qui a vécu auprès de sa mère les vingt dernières années après avoir quitté son service militaire et son ex-copine en Allemagne. Sur un coup de chance, Doug rencontre un producteur de cinéma venu d'Allemagne. Celui-ci lui promet de le faire venir à Berlin et d'y produire un de ses scénarios intitulé "Love Songs For Scumbags". Les scènes de ce film dans le film se déroulent à l'écran en même temps que l'on découvre la vie de sans-abri de Doug dans les rues de Berlin. Pendant ce temps, sa fille de 20 ans, que Doug avait perdu de vue depuis longtemps, se lance à sa recherche..

The Ball Is a Scumbag

The Ball Is a Scumbag

"Sometimes the ball is bewitched," says legendary soccer coach Rudi Gutendorf. He's the one who would know, after having coached 6 first division soccer teams in Germany alone and countless others in 38 countries around the world..



Marco and Vincent, a con artist and a jewel thief respectively are somewhere between friends and backstabbing criminals. They meet up at their old stomping grounds to get drunk, reminisce, and talk up their latest misdeeds. Friendly competition evolves into a fatal confrontation, as truths come out and guns are drawn..

Come On, Scumbags

Come On, Scumbags

The lead character of the movie is modern day heroine, a girl aged 18 not yet ready to carry a burden of responsibility. She is no different from a thousand other girls either in terms of code of behavior, or style of speech, or desire to be loved. Except for one thing: in reality she is a boy..