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En 1964, dans une petite ville de la Caroline du Sud, Harold Jones, un entraîneur de football blanc, se lie d'amitié avec Radio, un handicapé mental noir ne sachant ni lire ni écrire. Ce dernier, victime des nombreuses railleries de ses camarades, ne tarde pas à rejoindre les rangs des Hanna Yellow Jackets, l'équipe de football locale. Il deviendra par la suite l'assistant du coach. La profonde amitié qui unit les deux hommes bouleversera la vie de la petite communauté..

Radio Disney Music Awards

Radio Disney Music Awards

The Radio Disney Music Awards were an annual awards show operated and governed by Radio Disney, an American radio network. Beginning in 2001, the show was originally broadcast only on Radio Disney, but later began being televised on Disney Channel from 2013 onwards.

Radio Romance

Radio Romance

Assistante-scénariste pour une émission radio, elle n'a aucun talent d'écriture mais parvient à embaucher un acteur connu. Le problème : il ne peut rien dire sans script..

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio

Yuhi Yugure et Yasumi Utatane animent toutes les deux une émission de radio hebdomadaire dans leur lycée. À l’antenne, elles montrent une belle complicité mais la réalité est toute autre car leur relation est souvent un tourbillon de chaos et d'insultes ! Elles devront pourtant apprendre à mettre de côté leur rivalité et leurs différences pour mener à bien ce projet..



After a violent assault, Radio needs to find someone who can trust for the team. Radio 5 years later tells his story with Joaquin, and how he became the greatest dictator in the region..



Recently divorced from his wife, Pooja Talwar, Gujarat-born Vivan Shah, who works as a Jockey with Mumbai's Radio Mirchi, dramatically meets with Shanaya Dhingra - whose mother is Parsi and father a Punjabi. Circumstances force him to gate-crash her wedding ceremony and spend a night in a prison cell by her enraged DCP father. Subsequently, a friendship develops between the two and she even assists him with his job - and lands one herself. The duo gets so popular that their employer decides that they perform a live show on TV while the Dhingras believe the duo are in love..



RADIO is a vibrant up-tempo look at today's large radio fad. It is a story of how the radio affects the lives of a number of people, causing some to make special sacrifices, others to commit crimes inconsistent with their upbringing, and an overall sense of "franticness" which mimics the beat of the sound heard on the radio..



A man has barricaded himself in his home because of one-sided propaganda. He needs to take a leap of faith to find his loved ones..



Three best friends are hanging out in a basement, when one of them finds an old radio. Amazingly, a voice from the radio transmits news from the future and the past. As each of them become keenly aware of the value of the radio, the friends argue over who should get to keep it. Tensions escalate and the situation reaches a tragic conclusion..

Radio Active

Radio Active

Radio Active was a Canadian television program broadcast on YTV, based on the Quebec French series Radio Enfer, about group of students at Upper Redwood High managing their own school radio station, called Radio Active. Radio Active had a total of 78 episodes and three seasons dating from 1998–2001..

Radio Enfer

Radio Enfer

Cette série culte pour la jeunesse met en scène la vie étudiante d'un groupe de la radio d'une école secondaire. Chaque épisode fait état d'une nouvelle situation, dramatique ou comique, pour le groupe de jeunes..

Radio Star

Radio Star

“Radio Star” is a South Korean music talk show where the guests and hosts talk openly and intimately about their lives, their pasts and their work. It is part of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation's "Golden Fishery" programming block..

Free Radio

Free Radio

Free Radio is a television show, created by Lance Krall and Rory Rosegarten. The show originated on VH1, but has also played on Comedy Central, and Super Channel. It stars Lance Krall, prominent for his role on The Joe Schmo Show, and Anna Vocino, who also starred with Krall on The Lance Krall Show. The show focuses on a dysfunctional radio station, KBOM. Krall plays a moronic intern turned moronic DJ when KBOM's regular shock jock, Rip Rebel, defects to satellite radio. Lance eventually gets his own show entitled Moron in the Morning. Real celebrities guest star as themselves with Lance, who often either does not realize who they are or mixes them up with other celebrities on the air. Most of the dialogue is improvised. Starting on November 16, 2009, re-runs of Free Radio began airing in the US on Comedy Central following The Colbert Report. It is currently airing on the Australian Comedy Channel..

Radio Mileva

Radio Mileva

The comedy "Radio Mileva", directed by Elmir Jukić, is based on the idea of ​​Nebojsa Garić. Mileva is the head of the house, she knows everything, she knows everything and she understands everything. A pensioner who spent her working life as a secretary to the President of the Municipality. Confident, energetic, anointed, a woman who has all the information, a woman for all time, resourceful and shrewd..