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Playing Around

Playing Around

New York girl has a dull boyfriend and seems destined for a dull marriage when she meets a rich playboy who has money to burn and places to go..

Playing for Change: Songs Around The World

Playing for Change: Songs Around The World

Playing for Change is a musical journey of discovery that celebrates the freedom and lives of street musicians existing in America today. Focusing on the three cities of Los Angeles, New Orleans & New York, Playing for Change captures an array of musical styles and human moments that would otherwise slip through the cracks of society. - Jayson Crittenden, Mark Johnson & Jonathan Walls.

Playing for Change – Songs Around The World (Part 2)

Playing for Change – Songs Around The World (Part 2)

Continuing the visionary path created by a one-of-a-kind international music collective, introducing Playing For Change - PFC 2: Songs Around The World. By filming and recording dozens of musicians from around the world, filmmaker, producer and PFC founder, Mark Johnson captures stunning musical collaborations that seamlessly blend diverse styles of music into powerful performances, expanding on the journey that made Playing For Change one of 2009's most unusual cultural phenomenons. With a global mix of cultures and rhythms featuring original songs written for the album, as well as reinterpretations of internationally loved recordings including Bob Marley's "Redemption Song," Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground" and John Lennon's "Imagine." Featured artists include Baaba Maal, Keb Mo, Sandra de Sá, Taj Mahal, Tinariwen, Carlos Vives, Roger Ridley, Grandpa Elliot, Stephen Marley, Mermans Kenkosenki, Char and Toumani Diabate..

Playing a Note on the Violin While I Walk Around in the Studio

Playing a Note on the Violin While I Walk Around in the Studio

In this film record of a studio activity, Nauman set himself the task of walking while playing "two notes [on a violin] very close together so that you could hear the beats in the harmonics." The camera is set centrally in the studio in a stationary position so that when he walks outside of the camera's view at times, only the sounds of the notes and footsteps are heard. Sound and image are out of sync, a situation noticeable only at the end of the film when the sound stops but Nauman continues to pace and play. [Overview Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix].