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Alejandro 'Ale' Villacaño is a young associate lawyer who has landed a job at a prestigious law firm. Even though he was top of his class, he is also a former convict and an acquitted felon, which makes him an unlikely pick for this firm. Intent on forgetting his past and forging a new identity, he dedicates himself to being the top associate at the firm. He is reluctant to take on a pro bono case to help an old friend, but ultimately does so at the prodding of his mentor. For Ale, it's filing a few grievances against the local prison and then back to his new life. But for his client, it’s a matter of life and death. No matter how much Ale tries to resist, the pull to do the right thing, to fight the good fight is too strong. Ensnared now in a case rife with corruption, corporate negligence, and abuse of power, Ale must decide what kind of lawyer he is really meant to be..

Penitentiary II

Penitentiary II

Un ex-détenu, en liberté conditionnelle et en essayant de redresser sa vie dehors, décide de reprendre sa carrière de boxe quand un de ses ennemis d'évasions et tue sa petite amie..



Un autostoppeur, Martel Gordone, se retrouve impliqué dans un violent affrontement avec deux bikers en voulant défendre une prostituée. L'un des deux agresseurs est tué, et Martel est alors envoyé en prison. Il intègre rapidement l'équipe de boxe du milieu carcéral, et tente de tenir tête à un gang particulièrement agressif..

Sévices à la prison de femmes

Sévices à la prison de femmes

Julia, une physicienne, s'infiltre dans une prison de femmes afin de découvrir qui a tué sa soeur cadette. Elle se fait donc passer pour une détenue. Elle est très vite la victime de la directrice sadique et lesbienne et de ses gardiennes....

Penitentiary Chances

Penitentiary Chances

Two homeboys are willing to take "Penitentiary Chances" to get out of the barrio by working for some racist drug-dealers. A trip into an underworld most people don't get to see - where deals go bad and huge risks are taken for survival..

Parchman Penitentiary

Parchman Penitentiary

William Ferris writes...: I was never sure how or why I was allowed into Parchman's "Camp B," and I never asked. Set apart from the main complex of Parchman, the camp is located several miles to the north east of the town of Lambert, Mississippi. On my first visit, I thought that I might have been mistaken for another visitor who was coming on an official visit. In both cases, however, I explained that I was writing "a book" on music and wanted to record prison work chants. The officials accepted this explanation for my visit and allowed me total access to the inmates. During my first visit in the late sixties, I recorded and filmed work chants outside the prison buildings and a sermon by a white evangelical preacher in the dining hall that was followed by a capella gospel singing led by an inmate nicknamed "Flat Top" who sang with a beautiful high pitched tenor voice.".

eastern state penitentiary

eastern state penitentiary

Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary was built in the 1820s, inspired by Enlightenment ideas and Quaker belief in solitary reflection and penitence. This documentary, illustrated with period lithographs, engravings, and photographs, gives a detailed history of the prison from its initial practice of total solitary confinement through its transformation into an overcrowded "Big House" to its replacement with a modern facility in 1970..

Le Pénitencier

Le Pénitencier

En 1982, Patrice Berthelot rend compte de ses conditions d’enfermement dans le pénitencier de Sion à travers une correspondance avec la réalisatrice Anne Theurillat. Celle-ci met aujourd’hui ses mots en images en leur donnant une résonance inattendue..

Penitentiary Angel

Penitentiary Angel

This is a story about seven female prisoners each with different backgrounds, living within the one prison. At the beginning of the story, a new inmate Ding Qing Er arrives with tears streaming down her face, but told that it's too late to cry. The story continues to slowly reveal the lives of the female prisoners, and each of their struggles to have ended up where they are today. There's the mother who's husband keeps giving false promises of taking her and her child to America; the prostitute who was raped; the lesbian who was given up and betrayed by the Red Army; among others, and there's also Qing Er, who is in jail for theft after stealing costly medicine from the hospital for her dying husband. Through the lead of each other and also the kind hearted guards, they learn to form an unbreakable bond, and a way of dignity..

Les Brûlantes

Les Brûlantes

Quelques jeunes femmes condamnées à la prison pour des motifs variés sont conduites sur une île perdue abritant un imposant pénitencier surnommé Le Château de la Mort. Dirigé par l’inflexible Mme Diaz et le libidineux gouverneur Santos, le bagne est un véritable enfer et les détenues y meurent régulièrement de mauvais traitements. Un médecin dépêché sur place exige une enquête sur les conditions de détentions et envoie la belle Léonie pour faire la lumière sur le Château de la Mort. Dans le même temps, quelques unes des 99 détenues décident de s’évader en compagnie d’un homme échappé de la prison (masculine) voisine. Mais une bande de bagnards en chaleur compromet tout cela….

Pénitencier de femmes

Pénitencier de femmes

A la recherche d'un scoop, la journaliste Emanuelle se fait passer pour une détenue et découvre les tortures et les humiliations perpétrées sur les prisonnières d'un pénitencier de femmes..