

voir film Ostrich streaming vf



Desperate for independence, mother, Helena secretly applies to university, uncertain of the response she will get from her conservative family. Her goal is sidetracked when she learns that her son is hiding a terrible secret..



Set late one evening in a Westminster bar, journalist Will Hewitt meets no-nonsense Deputy Finance Minister Pippa Thomas for what begins as a simple interview. Early exchanges, however, spark fireworks as both begin to reveal their dangerous hidden intentions — proving that once the truth is uncovered, there’s no going back..

L'Autruche de Donald

L'Autruche de Donald

Donald Duck est bagagiste dans une gare de chemin de fer. Le dernier transport a amené une caisse contenant Hortense l'autruche qui manifeste beaucoup d'affection pour le pauvre agent ferroviaire Donald. Elle est prise d'une frénésie gloutonne et gobe tout ce qui lui passe à portée. Elle avale un accordéon, un réveil et quelques ballons avant que son corps ne réagisse... Elle est alors prise de hoquet..

An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It

An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It

When a young telemarketer is confronted by a mysterious talking ostrich, he learns that the universe is stop motion animation. He must put aside his dwindling toaster sales and focus on convincing his colleagues of his terrifying discovery. It's scary business living in a stop motion world, where your faces come off and a giant hand controls your every move..

La Politique de l'autruche

La Politique de l'autruche

Les autruches continuent leurs activités quotidiennes enterrant leurs têtes, croyant qu'il s'agit d'un comportement instinctif. Cependant un jour, la recherche d'un phylogénéticien, docteur Kays, prouve le contraire..

The Ostrich and the Lady

The Ostrich and the Lady

The film pictures scenes on a big ostrich farm in Southern California, near Los Angeles. A large flock of several hundred of the big birds are seen feeding. They are coaxed up close to the camera by the keeper and we are offered a close-up view of the long necked fellows..

The Flight of an Ostrich (Schools Interior)

The Flight of an Ostrich (Schools Interior)

Birds are masters of the sky. The ostrich is incapable of doing the one thing birds are famous for – they cannot fly. They compensate their impotence by having the largest eyes and by being the fastest birds on land, seldom caught by predators. Schools Interior: The Flight of an Ostrich links this description of the ostrich to a moment during the life of a chin-down, shy eight-year-old girl who, while watching an educational video about ostriches, grasps an opportunity and flies in the face of her peer group..

Ostrich Theory

Ostrich Theory

A take on public indifference to troubled times. Pre-pandemic documentary footage, digitally depopulated and reorchestrated frame-by-frame before lockdowns became reality..

The Ostrich Egg and I

The Ostrich Egg and I

Sam acquires and ostrich from which hatches, no surprise, an ostrich. The ostrich attach's itself to Sam, in addition to eating everything in sight, and Maggie orders him to get rid of it. When Sam thinks he has lost the bird, he returns home where Maggie leads him to the bedroom, where Sam finds the ostrich with a family of her own..

Monkey, Ostrich and Grave

Monkey, Ostrich and Grave

Will the life of the video blogger Gorin of Lugansk change after he encounters a UFO? "Monkey Ostrich and Grave" is the story of the video blogger Genadi Gorin of Lugansk (the capital of the new republic, which appeared during the Russian/Ukrainian war in 2014), whose life floats parallel to the horrific reality of the unfinished war..

The Ostrich and the Peacock

The Ostrich and the Peacock

(Hamdy) and (Samira) married to traditional marriage,and they are not satisfied sexually because of problems rooted with them since childhood. Samira goes to Dr.(Fatma) the Psychiatrist hoping to find a solution for their problem,who succeeds in convincing the husband to take part in therapy..



Promenade des autruches dans une allée du Jardin d'acclimatation, à Paris. Une autruche et deux ânes, attelés à des charrettes, puis deux chevaux, un dromadaire et trois éléphants promènent des enfants..

Les oeufs de l'autruche

Les oeufs de l'autruche

Hippolyte, bourgeois autoritaire et vaniteux, apprend par un ami que son fils ainé Lolo s'interesse à la couture et vit selon des moeurs très féminines. Peu après, il découvre également que son deuxième fils Roger est "entretenu" par une comtesse japonaise. Scandalisé, il se querelle avec sa femme Thérèse sur les raisons de ses "malheurs". Le prix que remporte Lolo en tant que créateur lors d'un concours de haute couture et la renommée qui en suit, ramènera Hippolyte à une opinion plus favorable vis à vis de ses fils..