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One More Time

One More Time

Ce drame fantastique suit un chanteur de rock indé qui tente de sauver sa petite amie d'un destin funeste alors que lui-même ne cesse de changer de dimension temporelle..

Nick Cave - One More Time With Feeling

Nick Cave - One More Time With Feeling

Entremêlant une série de captations de performances musicales à des entrevues et des séquences libres tournées par Dominik, le film est narré par Nick Cave lui-même, dévoilant au passage le processus artistique et l’événement tragique qui marqué la création de l’album Skeleton Tree. Tourné en 3D et en 2D, alternant des séquences en noir et blanc à des séquences en couleur, le film déploie une approche documentaire alliant la force résiliente du chanteur avec sa fragilité et la franchise qu’on lui reconnaît..

One More Time

One More Time

A workplace comedy about the hard of hearing manager of a second-hand sporting goods store, and the team of "hard-working" employees he leads..

One More Time

One More Time

Le soir de ses 40 ans, Amelia (Hedda Stiernstedt) est percutée par un camion et se réveille en 2002, le jour de son dix-huitième anniversaire, avec une chance de revivre cette magnifique journée et de donner à son existence le tour parfait qu'elle avait imaginé. Au réveil, elle s'aperçoit cependant qu'elle est coincée dans une boucle temporelle qui lui fait revivre le même jour sans fin. Elle comprend alors qu'elle va devoir réparer quelque chose dans sa vie si elle veut pouvoir laisser le passé derrière elle et revenir au présent..

Hit Me Anyone One More Time

Hit Me Anyone One More Time

Kuroda Keisuke se réveille dans un lit d'hôpital incapable de se souvenir de qui il est. Il se faufile hors de l'hôpital et arrive à voir les infos à la télévision. C'est le choc. En effet, Kuroda se rend compte qu'il est le premier ministre du Japon, et qui plus est avec la côte de popularité la plus basse de l'histoire. Lors d'un discours, il a été frappé d'une pierre lancé par un citoyen, ce qui lui a fait perdre la mémoire. Un homme, qui semble être son subordonné, l'emmène à la résidence officielle du premier ministre. Seuls ses trois secrétaires, dont Isaka, sont au courant de sa perte de mémoire. Kuroda cache sa perte de mémoire à tout le monde, y compris à sa femme Satoko..

One More Time

One More Time

One More Time nous raconte l'histoire de JULES (Amber Heard), une chanteuse de rock extrêmement talentueuse mais qui gâche son talent à enregistrer des jingles commerciaux pour payer ses factures. Lorsqu'elle est renvoyée de son job, elle est obligée de retourner vivre chez son père (Christopher Walken), un ancien crooner à la retraite. La cohabitation de ces deux talents musicaux ne va pas se faire sans difficultés..

Hit Me, Baby, One More Time

Hit Me, Baby, One More Time

Hit Me, Baby, One More Time was a 2005 television entertainment show first broadcast on the British television network ITV and later, as a new version, by NBC in the United States; both were presented by Vernon Kay. During each programme, five former pop stars sing their biggest hit along with a cover version of a contemporary hit. Each week one winner is picked from each show by a phone vote or a studio-audience vote, leading to the grand final when the overall winner can release a single featuring both songs or have $20,000 donated to a charity of their choice. The show's title comes from a line in the Britney Spears song "...Baby One More Time". The show proved to be a summer hit for NBC hitting the top spot in the ratings on its first outing. For the U.S. version, some critics argued that the show did not live up to its premise since some groups performed without their original lineup..

One More Time

One More Time

Cop Foxy is trying to enforce the law in town, but dangerous drivers and gangsters who also kidnap his sweetheart are making this difficult..

One More Time

One More Time

A coda to the suite Kirchheimer began with 2018’s Dream of a City, One More Time poignantly intercuts our last glimpses of the cycle’s black-and-white, late-fifties New York with color outtakes from 1981’s Stations of the Elevated, depicting a different yet equally distant moment in the life of the city. Placed simultaneously between and beyond these two eras, the film becomes a lyrical lament for the promised New York that never was..

One More Time

One More Time

A young woman decided to make a show of her death she is going to look at during the whole film. We will see the progressive and long descent of a murderous machine which may pierce her throat..

One More Time

One More Time

A film described by director Ray Dennis Steckler as an extension of The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies!!?..

One More Time

One More Time

"One More Try" is a Chinese variety show that is all about original extreme sports, such as skateboarding. The season consists of 10 episodes, with celebrity leaders Wang Luodan, Wang Yibo and Cheng Xiao. The professional program consultants are big skateboards Che Lin, Han Minji and Yuan Fei. It gathers 60 top Chinese skaters, and they compete in a series of competitions and tasks in order to qualify to participate in the world's top extreme sports competition, X-Games..

...Baby One More Time Tour

...Baby One More Time Tour

...Baby One More Time Tour was the debut concert tour by American recording artist Britney Spears. It supported her debut studio album, ...Baby One More Time (1999) and visited the United States and Canada. The tour was announced in March 1999, with dates released a month later. Tommy Hilfiger was chosen as the tour sponsor. The show was divided into various segments, with each segment being followed by an interlude to the next segment, and it ended with an encore. The setlist consisted of songs from her debut album and several covers..