

voir film One Good Turn streaming vf

Laurel et Hardy - Les Deux Campeurs

Laurel et Hardy - Les Deux Campeurs

Stan et Ollie mendient de la nourriture auprès d'une vieille dame sympathique qui leur fournit des sandwichs. En mangeant, ils entendent le propriétaire de la dame lui dire qu'il va la jeter dehors parce qu'elle ne peut pas payer son hypothèque. Ils ne se rendent pas compte que la vieille dame répète vraiment pour une pièce de théâtre. Stan et Ollie décident d'aider la vieille dame en vendant leur voiture. Pendant la vente aux enchères, un ivrogne met un portefeuille dans la poche de Stan. Ollie accuse Stan d'avoir volé la vieille dame, mais quand la vérité est révélée, Stan se venge d'Ollie..

One Good Turn

One Good Turn

Norman is the oldest orphan at Greenwood Children's Home and now acts as their caretaker. All the orphans are very happy and well cared for. The adventures start when a nasty property developer (boo hiss) who is also the chairman of the orphanage board wants to close the orphanage and build a factory on the site. The children are sent to Brighton for the day and Norman is very excited because he's "Never seen the Sea". When they get back they discover the plan to close the orphanage and have to decide what to do.

One Good Turn

One Good Turn

Matt, a home arcade games programmer runs into an old acquaintance who saved his life years earlier from a burning automobile. The rescuer, Simon, is down on his luck, living like a bum. The grateful Matt feels obligated to help Simon, so he takes him into his home and gets him a job in the mail room of his company. However, what Matt doesn't know is it was no accident running into Simon, and Simon has an old score to settle with Matt, going all the way back to the night Simon saved Matt's life..

One Good Turn

One Good Turn

Singer Ruth Eton, of the singing team of Eton and Farrell, is told by her agents to get rid of her partner if she wants to advance her career. Instead, she gives him singing lessons. After a few months of training, he is good enough to be on his own and dumps Eton. When he loses his voice suddenly, he finds out who his true friends are..

The One Good Turn

The One Good Turn

A political crime film in which a militant, anarchist father allows his political ideals to prevail over human dignity. The father uses his young daughter to carry out an attack on Princess Louise. After his wife foils the attack and he is arrested by the police, he steps back from his fanaticism and repents..

The Anarchist's Wife

The Anarchist's Wife

In this Vitagraph short, anarchism threatens to ruin lives and families. Luigi and Rosa are a couple with an adorable child, but trouble is afoot – Luigi has become an anarchist!.