

voir film Missing Pieces streaming vf

Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces is an Australian factual television series that screened on the Nine Network in 2009. It was hosted by Peter Overton. Missing Pieces follows the stories of people who embark on a life-changing journey to find someone special who is missing from their lives. It has a similar premise to the successful Seven Network factual television series Find My Family..

Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

A private detective has to deal with an unpleasant memory, a near-insoluble mystery, and a pursuing murderer inflicted with drugs and political corruption..

Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Twin Peaks: Les Pièces Manquantes est une compilation de longs métrages de 2014 de scènes supprimées et étendues du film de 1992 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Il est sorti plus de vingt-deux ans après la fin du film et de la série originale et trois ans avant la saison 3 de Twin Peaks..

La pièce manquante

La pièce manquante

En rentrant chez lui après avoir sillonné son domaine à cheval, Atticus Cody a la surprise d'y trouver Scott, son fils cadet, venu passer les fêtes de Noël en famille. Le soir du réveillon, organisé chez David, l'aîné devenu sénateur, Scott semble rêveur devant un tableau représentant sa mère. Rejoint par Marilyn, sa belle-sœur, Scott confie qu'il vient de rompre avec Renata, sa petite amie. A la fin de la soirée, alors que Scott joue avec les enfants, Atticus déplore auprès de David l'instabilité et l'oisiveté de son frère qui, selon lui, gâche sa vie en restant au Mexique. David suggère alors à son père de demander à Scott de rester au ranch pour l'aider..

Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

As sole heir to a relative's estate, Wendel is surprised to learn that the only thing he's been left is a riddle. However, he and his musician friend, Lou, are soon thrust into a comic chase, as an assortment of unsavoury characters, underworld figures, and even private investigators, are after them for the inheritance - and they don't know what it is!.

Tommy Cooper - The Missing Pieces

Tommy Cooper - The Missing Pieces

Tommy Cooper's comedy was timeless, a true original who was everyone's favourite clown. Wearing his trademark Fez, he delighted millions with bungled magic tricks and hilarious sketches. These specially compiled episodes of clips selected from the Thames Television archives star the funny-man at his best, featuring all of his classic routines..

Missing Pieces: The Curious Case of the Somerton Man

Missing Pieces: The Curious Case of the Somerton Man

The Somerton Man mystery has baffled a global audience for over 70 years. A dead body found on Adelaide's Somerton Beach has never been identified. Now a new documentary, including interviews with friends, witnesses and detectives who worked on the case, some now in their 100's, reveals a fascinating first hand view of this extraordinary, enduring mystery. Was he murdered? Did he commit suicide? Why did he have a tiny piece of paper in his pocket with the words "Tamam Shud"? Missing Pieces examines the case in detail and cast new light on the woman he came to visit..

Lisa – a missing piece of the puzzle

Lisa – a missing piece of the puzzle

In the middle of an idyll, in a noisy world, a family loses their child. A little brother loses his sister and the friends a best friend. In 1994, tragedy struck, which left the Ångermanland village in ruins. Lisa was 12, and Andreas Öhman only 9 years old..

You Are My Missing Piece

You Are My Missing Piece

When a depressed girl meets a man who suffers from OCD and later, they become each other's missing pieces. Both believe that life is always hopeful when there're people who understand and stay by their side..

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece

Everyone wants their life to a perfect circle, but always failed with a missing piece. Dao-Fung, who has strange psychological symptom, five second’s blank, had decided to cure himself by a travel and arrived Riguang village in Taitung. He met four interesting people. During stayed at there, five of them found their own missing piece due to the love among them. Dao-Fung became aware of his symptom gradually disappeared, too. (Bifan 2015).