

voir film Laced streaming vf



A groovy, spooky and totally dysfunctional ghost story about lost souls smoking cursed PCP obtained from a witchdoctor..



After unknowingly smoking weed laced with a highly dangerous research chemical, three friends fall into a fatal drug trip infused with feelings of guilt, euphoria, and terror..

Laced Silk

Laced Silk

A housewife discovers the corpse of a girl at the beach, which has a striking similarity to the case of her long-missed brother. She resurrects the case and discovers the cruel truth about the children's disappearance..

Bullet-laced Dreams

Bullet-laced Dreams

Bullet-laced Dreams follows the Lumad children in Mindanao as they escape from military rule due to the incessant armed conflicts between the government & communist rebels. Rising tensions pushed these kids to transfer from place to place just to continue their schooling. The conflicts separated 14-year old Chricelyn Empong from her family, but she vows to fight for her right. In the evacuation site, Chricelyn & her classmates continue studying and protest for the end of martial law so they could go to back to their homeland. She says the only way to regain their way of life is to defend their right to education..

Six femmes pour l'assassin

Six femmes pour l'assassin

L'atelier "Christian" est une maison de haute couture très réputée qui a pour cadre un véritable petit château dont la propriétaire, la Comtesse Como, est également la directrice de l'établissement. Elle est associée à Max Morlachi, un homme d'apparence austère qui s'occupe essentiellement de la partie administrative. La Comtesse, veuve, a hérité de son mari décédé dans un accident de voiture. Elle a pour employés deux modélistes : Cesar et Marco, et une dizaine de modèles. Les ennuis commencent lorsque Christiana découvre le cadavre d'Isabelle, l'un de ses mannequins, dans une armoire....