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Joy of Living

Joy of Living

Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer..

Quelle joie de vivre

Quelle joie de vivre

Rome, 1921. Libéré des obligations militaires, Ulysse, au chômage et sans argent, s'engage dans le Parti Fasciste. Sa mission : localiser une imprimerie de tracts antifascistes. C'est comme ça qu'il découvre l'atelier d'Olinto Fossati, un anarchiste qui le recrute comme apprenti et qui l'accueille même au sein de sa famille. Très vite, Ulysse a de l'affection pour la fille de la maison, Franca, qui lui témoigne pour sa part une certaine antipathie. Accumulant les imprudences, il fait bientôt l'objet de la méfiance de tous....

The Joy of Living

The Joy of Living

A young married couple with two pre-teen kids takes a weekend trip to a large amusement park. In the hotel room, the woman discovers that her husband had a suicide attempt. He convinces her to hide the truth from the kids and to carry on with their holidays. Though she agrees, she spends the whole day trying to secretly investigate why her husband opted for such a dramatic step..

Joy of Living

Joy of Living

The boss of Gilberto, an exemplary employee, wants to marry him with his daughter, Elisabeth. But her cousin, an unattractive girl, appears to meet him. Gilberto, who leads a hectic life, knows Betty, independent girl by whom one falls in love. In the end, she discovers that she is the boss's daughter..

Live in Joy

Live in Joy

A kolkhoz machine-operator is a local inventor who has tensions with his wife over his hobby. He invents a useful appendage for a grain harvester combine and an article about his invention is printed in a local paper. Kolkhoz chairman then entrusts him with a mission to get equipment from a nearby city for building a bridge, but the machine-operator is duped by crooks..

The Joy of Life

The Joy of Life

Captain Siporak and Inspector Sam Baun raid the gambling place at Kirirom owned by Prince Chantavong. This place is disguised as an orchid shop. As soon as Prince Chantavong is detained in jail, his wife, princess Sulpra, spends her time having a love relationship with her nephew. Then she meets Okhnia Sneha Sambat, a great hotelier. Okhnia takes her to a big island at Sihanoukville for their holiday. After being released from prison, Prince Chantavong, armed with guns, tries to look for her everywhere..