

voir film Interstellar streaming vf



Dans un futur proche, face à une Terre exsangue, un groupe d’explorateurs utilise un vaisseau interstellaire pour franchir un trou de ver permettant de parcourir des distances jusque‐là infranchissables. Leur but : trouver un nouveau foyer pour l’humanité..

La Science d'Interstellar

La Science d'Interstellar

Matthew McConaughey raconte avec un regard fascinant sur le film Interstellar de Christopher Nolan, y compris les fondements scientifiques, le travail du scientifique consultant Kip Thorne, les thèmes de base du film, la science derrière la recherche de planètes capables d'héberger la vie, l'espace-temps et la théorie de la relativité, la science des trous de ver et des trous noirs, la création des visuels du film sur la base d'observations scientifiques réelles, la naissance de l'univers, l'évolution de la poussière en tant que toxine, la probabilité de futures tempêtes de poussière, les perspectives d'échapper à un planète mourante ou condamnée et les possibilités de colonisation de Mars..

Interstellar Ella

Interstellar Ella

Dans la Voie lactée, où Ella, huit ans, part joyeusement avec ses amis pour de passionnantes aventures de découverte. À seulement huit ans, elle en sait déjà beaucoup sur l'espace... mais il y a toujours plus à explorer ! Avec Slippy et Madhu, ses meilleurs amis, Ella relève les défis qui se présentent à elle..

Interstella 5555

Interstella 5555

Quatre musiciens d'une autre galaxie sont kidnappés par un manager maléfique qui veut en faire le plus grand groupe sur Terre. Quand la musique des Français de Daft Punk rencontre les dessins de Leiji Matsumuto..

Faster Than Light: the Dream of Interstellar Flight

Faster Than Light: the Dream of Interstellar Flight

“Faster Than Light” explores the longstanding quest to develop spacecraft with enough power and speed to reach the stars. The film asks: What will it take to reach a newly discovered planet circling our Sun’s nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri? Based on real science and engineering, “Faster Than Light” takes audiences on a thrilling journey into the future, aboard laser-driven space sails, antimatter engines, and even warp drive – right out of science fiction. “Who can say how far, and how fast, our technology will one day take us?” said director Thomas Lucas..

L'Odyssée interstellaire

L'Odyssée interstellaire

Alors que 3000 exoplanètes ont déjà été identifiées, une extraordinaire épopée qui fera voyager l’Homme aux confins de l’Univers se prépare déjà. Cette série en 4K déchiffre l'extraordinaire aventure que l'homme va vivre au cours du siècle : l'exploration de l'espace. A travers la galaxie, nous cherchons un nouveau Graal, une nouvelle planète bleue. Mais comment trouver la vie dans d'autres systèmes ? Et quel genre d'êtres vivants pourrions nous découvrir ? Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'humanité, nous avons atteint la connaissance scientifique nécessaire à l'exploration des exoplanètes, hors du système solaire. Steve Squyres, un astronome de la NASA, nous emmène à des années lumières pour explorer l'inconnu. Un voyage dans l’infini qui nous apprendra aussi beaucoup sur nous-mêmes et sur les origines de la vie sur Terre..

Inside 'Interstellar'

Inside 'Interstellar'

Cast and crew of Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" discuss project origins, the film's imagery, ambitions, incorporating IMAX footage, the human element within the film, arm shooting locations outside of Calgary, the set construction and design, working with real corn, mechanical characters, including backstory, design, the blend of practical and digital effects in bringing them to life, the differences in the characters, the human performances behind the characters, the creative process behind the film's music, Icelandic locations, vehicle interiors, the processes of simulating the absence of gravity, the crucial end-film visuals and influence and inspiration for future generations.

Interstellar Wars

Interstellar Wars

For millennia the Alien force has watched and waited, a brooding menace that has now at last decided to take over the Earth. Communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference, a massive spaceship heads towards Earth and smaller spaceships begin to cover entire cities. Suddenly, the wonder turns into horror as the spaceships destroy the cities with energy weapons. When the world counterattacks, the alien ships are invincible to military weapons. The survivors have to use their wits to kill the aliens, or die..

Lolita from Interstellar Space

Lolita from Interstellar Space

An undeniably beautiful alien is sent to Earth to study the complex mating rituals of human beings, which leads to the young interstellar traveler experiencing the passion that surrounds the centuries-old ritual of the species..

Interstellar Wanderer

Interstellar Wanderer

Many years ago, the Earth was no longer inhabitable. Humans migrated from the Earth to other planets. But that was actually a scheme. Thus, Tang Yueliang, as the heiress of Demon Vanquishers, with her companions head west to the Earth to find the artifact, Mythic Crystal, to save the universe and fight to go back to Earth!.

Interstellar Civil War: Shadows of the Empire

Interstellar Civil War: Shadows of the Empire

The Imperial Empire is attacked by an Alliance of rebels led by fanatical mystics. The ruler, Empress Nobu, the 8th generation of her family, wants to execute a bold plan to rescue a cyborg, Leah C6, trapped on the battle ravaged planet Endor. The Empress believes Leah C6 holds the secret to destroying the Alliance of Rebels before their insurgency can kill millions of citizens of the Empire. She recruits her heroic fleet commander, Lord General Luka Raan and asks him to gather a team from the Empire's elite soldiers, the Galactic Rangers. Raan assembles the team in the ruins of Endor which was attacked by depraved Rebels and outlaws led by, Kindo-Ker, a fanatical mystic in Dark Energy. The Galactic Rangers begin a desperate search to find and rescue Leah C6 before the Alliance Rebels can..

How to Colonize the Stars: The Challenge of Interstellar Flight

How to Colonize the Stars: The Challenge of Interstellar Flight

Leading physicists and engineers in the field of interstellar travel discuss some of the deep issues we face when considering the problem of sending spacecraft to other stars. Will mankind ever truly become a space fairing civilization? Space colonization is no longer the fodder of science fiction, it is becoming a reality. We'll need to learn how to grow food, manufacture and live off our planet..

Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever

Only Interstellar Pinball Lives Forever

A young boy (played by an actual re-purposed Sunday school puppet) loses all faith in religion and afterlife options after having to bury his umpteenth pet, and vows that someday, when he's an adult with money, he'll find a way to become an 'eternal molecule' through science. Then, twenty-two years later, the playing of a pinball game brings dredges up the memory of that vow. Utilizing the hallucinogenic properties of alcohol and cough syrup blends, he undertakes the design of a pinball machine so poignant and dignified that it will convince scientists to create a pinball that we can download our consciousness into and thereby become digitally immortal..

Interstellar Wandering

Interstellar Wandering

The film tells that the catastrophe era, the earth is a waste land, the survivors are divided into wanderers and civilians, they are attached to the rule of the interstellar armed groups, in which the rogues rely on the plundering of civilian materials as a livelihood, making civilians in this harsh It is difficult to survive in the environment. After a hundred years of black technology explosion, it will bring about a civilized renaissance. In the face of the deteriorating planet, mankind is determined to continue the race and is determined to interstellar immigration. The "curvature engine" developed by the Chinese researcher Hailei has become the key to the interstellar immigration, and is also the target of robbers and interstellar armed groups..

Interstellar Interference

Interstellar Interference

During a calm lil hang at Mike's crib, the boys finds themselves facing an unimaginable terror when an otherworldly intruder breaches their sanctuary. As the night unfolds, paranoia grips the group as they realize the sinister intentions of their unwelcome guest. With each passing moment, the line between survival and demise blurs, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and fight for their lives against an entity that knows no mercy. In this heart-pounding thriller, every shadow holds a deadly secret, and every corner hides a chilling revelation as the battle for survival unfolds in the most unexpected of places..

Interstellar Ranger Commence

Interstellar Ranger Commence

Hope Griffin leaves her high school in Yokohama for Cosmos Academy, an elite school in space, to train to become an Interstellar Ranger. There, she will face danger, suffer heartbreak and find purpose. Her adventure has only just begun..