

voir film I'm Not Here streaming vf

I'm Not Here

I'm Not Here

A man struggles with the tragic memories of his past to make sense of his present, but soon realizes that time isn't the enemy he thinks it is..

I'm Not Here

I'm Not Here

In January 1970 the actor Sir Alec Guinness wrote a letter to The Times complaining about the lack of attention shop assistants gave to customers. The letter was printed under the heading ‘I’m Not Here’. Using that story as its inspiration, this film about shop assistants and boredom wittily combines extracts from a Harrods' training video and original footage from 'Miss London Stores 1970'..

I'm Not Here (And She's Not There)

I'm Not Here (And She's Not There)

After years of seeing life through a kaleidoscope, Daniel Bloom is declaring himself to be gone - to be "Not Here." He is a surrealist painter from New York, and he is struggling for a clear head and an escape from the pressures of the outside world. A beautiful girl appears in his life to help guide him, but he can only see her through mysterious visions that nearly drive him mad. His obsession only makes him more reclusive, turning away his art dealer and the women in his life. Who is this girl? Is she for real? Or is she just a figment of his imagination? He will do anything to find out, even if it costs him everything..

Faites comme si je n'étais pas là

Faites comme si je n'étais pas là

Davantage fasciné par le spectacle de la vie des autres que par sa propre existence, Eric , un adolescent solitaire et énigmatique, passe son temps à observer ses voisins, le nez collé contre la fenêtre de sa chambre. Grâce à ses jumelles, il se sent maître du monde. Fermé à tout ce qui l'entoure, refusant de se livrer à Hélène, une mère trop souvent absente et un peu égoïste, et à René , un beau-père maladroit et jaloux, il s'est réfugié dans un univers d'ombres et de petits trafics sournois. Sa vie va basculer lorsqu'un couple s'installe en face de chez lui. Eric cessera-t-il d'être spectateur ?.

I'm Not From Here

I'm Not From Here

Elena's excitement for a day at the pool with her mother is shattered when she witnesses an episode of violence between her parents. Elena plays alone while her mother deals with the consequences; however, a tough confrontation leads them to put an end to the situation..

I'm Not Here

I'm Not Here

Moving from adolescence into adulthood is proving difficult for young Selena. Broke, unemployed and still living with her mother in their hometown, she deals with her problems in her own, chaotic way..

Je ne suis plus là

Je ne suis plus là

À la suite d'un terrible malentendu avec un cartel local, Ulises, le leader d'un gang de jeunes férus de cumbia, est contraint de quitter le Mexique pour rester en vie..

Here I Am, Here I'm Not

Here I Am, Here I'm Not

Ramiro is a journalist that after being on a car accident, develops phobia to speed. Suspended from his job, a mysterious publisher commissioned him to write the unauthorized biography of Ana Patricia Jones Ahumada, a Chilean rock legend. The investigation leads them to start a relationship, until one day she dies in a car accident. Devastated, Ramiro meets a woman of identical features and try to reconstruct it the image of his beloved, but is this a coincidence? Free adaptation of Hitchcock’s Vertigo..

And Yet I'm Still Here

And Yet I'm Still Here

Katerina, who was always afraid of death, when she finds out that she has only six months to live, immediately overcomes her inhibitions and self-limitations and finally begins to enjoy life..

I'm Not a Tourist, I Live Here

I'm Not a Tourist, I Live Here

The film is about one of the greatest social hot spots in Estonia during the Soviet times when apartments were distributed by the state, telling the story of a real estate agent and a homeless man. Mass immigration in 1944-1988 led to demographic conflict. Free apartments were mainly given to immigrants despite the fact that local people badly needed places of residence as well. They are not tourists, they live here, but they haven't got a home..

Ici je vais pas mourir

Ici je vais pas mourir

Une salle de consommation de drogue à moindre risque a ouvert à Paris. Beaucoup ne font qu’y passer, certains s’y arrêtent. Parmi eux il y a Marco, Cilo, Julie, Hervé… qui la fréquentent quotidiennement. Halte hors de la violence de la vie dans la rue, ils viennent ici pour s’injecter loin des regards mais aussi se reposer, soigner leur corps, retrouver un peu de dignité et d’humanité..