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“Gaslit” est une vision moderne du Watergate qui se concentre sur les histoires méconnues et les personnages oubliés du scandale – des subordonnés opportunistes et maladroits de Nixon, aux fanatiques dérangés qui ont aidé et encouragé les crimes, aux tragiques lanceurs d’alerte qui ont finalement fait s’éffondrer toute l’entreprise corrompue..

Le pire cauchemar d'une mère

Le pire cauchemar d'une mère

Après la mort de son ex-mari dans un mystérieux accident de voiture, Olivia s'offre un nouveau départ dans une autre ville. Inquiète de la de façon dont sa fille Hannah vit la mort de son père, Olivia l'encourage à partir en camping avec leurs nouveaux voisins....

Gaslit by my Husband

Gaslit by my Husband

Based on a true story, the movie follows Morgan and Rodney Metzer who were childhood sweethearts and married by the time Morgan was just 21 years old. The couple loses their first child shortly after birth but are overjoyed when they have twins a year later. Tensions began to rise when Rodney loses his job and goes into debt. Rodney blames their fights on Morgan’s drinking – even if she’d only had one – and convinces Morgan that she pushed him down the stairs in a blackout rage. The couple finally separates, and Morgan’s life begins to turn around, until Rodney gets diagnosed with cancer. Not long after, a masked intruder breaks into Morgan’s home and assaults her. Rodney shows up only minutes after the intruder is gone; when authorities question him, Rodney’s story doesn’t seem to be adding up. Does Rodney really have cancer and is he the hero that he claims to be, or has he been gaslighting Morgan for decades?.