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Java 1942 : un camp de prisonniers est dirigé par le capitaine Yonoi, un chef japonais à la poigne de fer. À la crainte et au mépris qu'éprouvent les prisonniers et les subalternes du capitaine à l'endroit de ce dernier, s'oppose la résistance étonnante d'un soldat anglais, Jake Celliers. Face à son attitude provocante, Yonoi devient de plus en plus sévère dans le but de faire plier le rebelle..

Tokkai: Furyousaiken Tokubetsu Kaishubu

Tokkai: Furyousaiken Tokubetsu Kaishubu

In 1996, after the collapse of Japan's asset price bubble, Shibasaki Akira works in the loan department for the Yotsubashi branch office of Aoba Bank. One day, he is sent to work at a government-run company, which is a housing financial bond management organization. The company was formed to collect non-performing loans from bankrupt housing loan companies. Workers from different banks, including Akira and ex-employees from housing loan companies, gather at the government-run company. They stand up against vicious debtors and struggle to protect the taxpayers' money..

Furyo shonen no yume

Furyo shonen no yume

In the cold region of Hokkaido, there is a Beiyou Yushi High School that specializes in recruiting high school students from all over the country who are unable to continue their studies due to bad behavior,.

Furyō shōnen 3, 000-ri no sō-ban (atama)

Furyō shōnen 3, 000-ri no sō-ban (atama)

The movie is based on an autobiographical book titled “Tokyo Furyou Shounen Densetsu.” The book was written by Endo Natsuki, who was once affiliated with the biker team and band COOLS that was formed in the 1970s by Tachi Hiroshi (61) and Iwaki Koichi (60). The story for the film takes place at a technical high school in the 1970s, where it is said that half of the school’s 3,000 students are juvenile delinquents. Saito plays a student named Sendo, who is aiming to be number one out of all of them. Naturally, the movie will incorporate a lot of action scenes as he brawls his way to the top..

Sex & fury

Sex & fury

Petite fille, Ocho a vu son père policier se faire assassiner par des truands qui lui dérobent sa mallette. Avant de mourir, il a le temps de confier à sa fille trois cartes à jouer représentant un sanglier, un papillon et un cerf, motifs respectifs que portent en tatouage chacun des assassins. Ocho est recueillie sous la protection d'un boss bienveillant. Elle devient un pickpocket renommé dans le monde interlope mais n'oublie pas sa quête : retrouver et châtier les meurtrier de son père....

Delinquent Boss: Wolves of the City

Delinquent Boss: Wolves of the City

Kosaka Hiroshi is a small time swindler and the boss of a motorcycle gang in Shinjuku. Living only to make money, he never made the big time until he gets involved with a Yakuza's daughter. But when he gets involved in a scheme to blackmail a Yakuza gang and a land developer, he realizes he's gone way over his head….

Terrifying Girls' High School 3 : Delinquent Convulsion Group

Terrifying Girls' High School 3 : Delinquent Convulsion Group

Alors que Miya, chef du Clan qui fait la loi au lycée déménage, elle passe la main à Takako (Reiko Ike) à l’issu d’un vote, au détriment de Kinue, fille du président des parents d’élèves ainsi que chef de la pègre. Un événement entraînera une remise en cause de cette nomination, l’émergence d’un nouveau clan, et une escalade de violence..

Confessions of a Teenage Mother

Confessions of a Teenage Mother

After having dropped out of school and given birth at age 16, Mako has little choice but to move in with the baby's deadbeat father. Struggling to make ends meet by working at a bar and in constant conflict with her conservative parents, Mako has to find her way in a harsh world..

Delinquent Boss: Alley Dog Commando

Delinquent Boss: Alley Dog Commando

This is the Fifteenth film in the series. There were seventeen Wolves of the City films between 1968 & 1974, in the main aimed at shock-value & “pinku” soft-core with sex, nudity, violence, gunplay, & a lot of mainly pointless foolishness when the biker gang coopts racist or nazi imagery, inventing a non-existent youth culture void of morality….

Bad Girl Mako

Bad Girl Mako

Patronnée par un gang dirigeant la ville, Mako joue de manière délictueuse dans une boîte de nuit tous les soirs en mauvaise compagnie. Un soir, un mec Hideo se rapproche d'elle pour une aventure d'un soir, et ils tombent amoureux. Cependant, Hideo est tué par le gang. Mako jure de se venger du meurtrier de son bien-aimé..