

voir film Fugue streaming vf



Jane is recently sober and trying to get her life back together when her childhood habit of sleepwalking suddenly reappears, re-blurring the line between her waking and dreaming lives. As the divide between her two realities expands, her relationships as well as her sanity begin to suffer..



Charlotte (Mittel) moves into a secluded hillside home with her boyfriend Howard (Gunn), and soon discovers she is pregnant. But her happiness is clouded by several strange occurrences - ghostly footsteps, disembodied voices, and the appearance of an eerie, faceless woman. The encounters become more frequent and disturbing, and Charlotte is shocked to discover she is suffering from a Dissociative Fugue which has caused her to forget everything from the last nine months. As she sets out to uncover what caused her memory loss, the events of the past blend into the present - threatening not only her life, but that of her unborn baby..



A work of visual art that borrows from music the principles of the fugue, with the sudden flight of a man to his hotel room as its main theme. Where he dreams..



The movement of light beams from long-exposure photography is informed by bio-mechanics and 1920s motion studies in this mesmerising exploration of movement, sound and image..



The metaphysical story, which has happened at a concert, forms an outline of the film. The young people who have come to the early music concert instead of taking pleasure from instrument fine sounding, have to struggle with a wind forced by the organ into the music hall. The air streams subjected to musical impulses, run into a listener in spite of his will. Voices are not audible, but they sometimes break through noise of the wind and music. Force of an air influence gives compound psychophysical experiences. Something tries to establish a certain transcendental dialogue, which sets in for a moment, but then disappears… At one time the wind accompanied by low monotonous organ noise, brings motionless sitting people to certain unconsciousness, to mad activity: fight is started at the concert.



When Jack loses his wife in a car accident his world falls apart. Unable to deal with the grief, he sinks into a dark obsession with the nature of death. Intrigued by a string of local murders, this bleak spiral leads him into obscure and forbidden realms of society that lie, barely concealed, beneath its surface. When he meets a woman who shares a similar pain, Jack is faced with the true nature of his obsession..



"Bach implied; splice-free, light, airy, soft-focus reflections out the back window of a car returning from the beach on a perfect summer's day. Super 8, silent, non-narritive.".



A man hikes through late-winter woods. Russia invades Ukraine. It’s difficult to reconcile the scales of action described by those sentences, but this difficulty is what John Gianvito dwells on in his new video. It may simply be that this is a diary, movingly plain and provisional in construction, which recounts what its author did for a few months last year: he watched a war on the internet and went outside. Even if that’s true, such a description makes Gianvito’s images seem less strange than they are.



A young woman finds herself stranded on an island among wild horses and drunken outcasts without any recollection of how she got there or who she is..



Exploring colour through memory and perception, Fugue is polyphonic in texture, stitching together text, imagery, and sound..



Five stories of Luke's experiences with love in his life. Each story shows a variation of sexual power and its abuse which become a motif of Luke's life. The film is structured around this motion of a musical fugue..



Tatiana Clark, an established musician, is preparing for a concert with her daughter Anna. Their strained relationship and Tatiana's silence towards her famous mother, Dame Maria Clark, create tension. It seems that these three exceptionally talented women are caught in a haunting cycle of music and isolation. Themes of family, loneliness, commitment and the enigmatic concept of fugue underpin their story, suggesting an inescapable intertwining of their lives..

La Fugue

La Fugue

Harry est un privé. Chargé d'enquêter sur la disparition d'une adolescente, il la retrouve totalement désemparée sur une île, véritable plaque tournante d'un trafic de drogue. Atteint dans ses convictions, Harry remet en question sa propre existence..



Alicja a perdu la mémoire et ignore comment elle en est arrivée là. En deux années, elle parvient à se reconstruire et ne souhaite plus se remémorer le passé. Quand sa famille la retrouve enfin, elle est contrainte d’endosser les rôles de mère, de femme et de fille auprès de parfaits inconnus. Comment réapprendre à aimer ceux que l’on a oubliés..

Fugue sentimentale

Fugue sentimentale

Ann Stanway quitte Hollywood après avoir été remplacée dans l'émission qui a fait d'elle une star de la téléréalité. Elle en fait de même avec son petit ami à la ville comme à l'écran. Sur son chemin, elle rencontre Sarah, une Amish qui tient une maison d'hôte où Ann fait la connaissance de Hunter, un jeune et bel architecte.