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Robin and her father have a car accident. Her father dies. Robin is badly injured and cannot compete in gymnastics tournaments anymore. She lives with her mother and bad step-father. Robin is accepted to the school athlethics team but is not accepted by some other girls, so she works out at a friends house. Eventually Robin and her team compete in the national scholastic meet..

Six Flying Dragons

Six Flying Dragons

Un groupe d'individus réunis par le destin autour de la figure de l'érudit Jeong Do-Jeon prépare la chute de la dynastie Goryeo pour instaurer celle de Joseon..

Flying Witch

Flying Witch

Makoto Kowata est une jeune sorcière toujours accompagnée d'un chat noir nommé Tito. Ayant toujours vécu en dehors de la civilisation, elle décide de s'installer dans une petite maison dans la ville de Hirosaki. Mais elle s'avère être très tête en l'air et n'a pas du tout le sens de l'orientation, ce qui lui provoquera de petits soucis, malgré cela, elle parviens à apprécier tous les petits plaisirs que son quotidien lui offre..



Two teenage boys in Coventry pass the time in shoplifting, avoiding their grim family life, and flying a model airplane..



The sound was printed on an empty clear 16mm film at first, the hand animation was painted onto the cellulose material itself..

The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally..

Flying Love

Flying Love

Colin, un jeune homme d'affaires américain ambitieux, propose un deal à un client potentiel ; un riche cheikh arabe, colombophile. Le cheikh a essayé à plusieurs reprises d'acheter un pigeon champion des Flandres, mais le propriétaire, Jos Pauwels, refuse ses offres. Colin lui propose un deal: s'il réussit à convaincre le propriétaire flamand, le cheikh s'engage à faire des affaires avec la société de Colin. Mais quand Colin fait la connaissance de Jos et d'Isabelle, sa petite-fille, il se rend compte que cette mission ne sera pas aussi facile qu'il l'avait espéré....

La Sœur Volante

La Sœur Volante

La très grande cornette de la petite sœur Bertrille (Sally Field), du couvent San Tanco à Porto Rico, et son poids très léger, lui donnent le pouvoir de voler grâce au vent. Ce don lui permet d'apporter son aide à ceux qui en ont besoin..

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Cette série mythique est une anthologie de sketches, de parodies d'émissions télévisées et de reportages improbables. Elle dénonce les travers de la société britannique et s'attaque avec un humour non-sens au monde politique, au sexe, à la religion, à l'armée, aux fonctionnaires....

Flying Tiger III

Flying Tiger III

The terrorist organization "Waganbu" infiltrated Hong Kong and set off a battle for chemical weapons in Hong Kong. Fan Shaofeng, the commander of the Flying Tigers, was ordered to fight against the terrorists. The Flying Tigers are trapped in the ruthless killing of Wagambu, the Special Service Superintendent Zhan Bowen convenes the police elites Zhang Weihua, Zhang Jiaxuan and Gao Zile to form a secret counter-terrorism team S Team . Faced with many crises, with the assistance of Interpol Xu Junfei, the two generations of China and Youth finally put aside their grievances and feuds and joined forces to prevent the spread of the chemical weapons virus in Hong Kong..

New Dimension! Crayon Shinchan the Movie: Battle of Supernatural Powers ~Flying Sushi~

New Dimension! Crayon Shinchan the Movie: Battle of Supernatural Powers ~Flying Sushi~

40-years ago, there was a prophecy claiming that in the year of “20” and “23”, two emitting lights would come to the Earth from outer space. And the dark light with strong power will bring out a huge disaster. In the summer of 2023, as predicted, two mysterious lights approach Japan and descend on Kasukabe. The white light hits Shin-chan, which makes him get a superpower. Meanwhile, a man called Mitsuru Hiriya, has been bathed in dark light and has acquired psychic powers begins to run amok. A man who wants the destruction of the world, Hiriya VS A happy-go-lucky kindergarten child, Shinnosuke. A superpower battle is going to begin!.

Flying Virus

Flying Virus

Au coeur de la forêt amazonienne apparait une nouvelle espèce d'abeille. D'authentiques tueuses, résultat d'une mutation provoquée par l'expérimentation d'une arme biologique. Un danger pour la région, un danger pour le monde. Surtout lorsqu'un scientifique américain entreprend de transporter discrètement de nombreux spécimens dans la soute à bagages d'un avion que l'essaim exterminateur ne tarde pas à envahir....

Satanas et Diabolo

Satanas et Diabolo

Satanas et Diabolo, aidés par deux mécaniciens pas très malins - Looping et Volavoile - vont tout essayer pour capturer un pigeon voyageur porteur de messages vers les lignes ennemies. Equipés d'avions aussi étranges qu'originaux, ils en verront de toutes les couleurs à cause de ce pigeon bien malin qu'ils n'arriveront jamais à attraper..

Embarquement immédiat

Embarquement immédiat

À l'instar de La croisière s'amuse où l'action se passe sur un bateau de croisière, Embarquement immédiat est une série d'aventures de trois hôtesses de l'air à l'aéroport de Los Angeles et sur différents vols où elles rencontrent toujours des gens ordinaires et peu ordinaires..

The Legend of Flying Daggers

The Legend of Flying Daggers

Although Li Huai is the grandson of “Xiao Li Fei Dao” Li Xun Huan, he is an illegitimate son, which caused him to roam around the world since young. Many years later, after returning to where he used to live after obtaining a treasure his mother left for him, he was accused of stealing silver from an official and fell into a trap set by the leader of the guards, Han Jun.In those difficult times, a mysterious woman Xue Cai Ye saved him time and again, causing their feelings for each other to grow..

Les Oursons Volants

Les Oursons Volants

The series focuses on a rare species of little bears with wings that live in the magical forest in a utopian cooperative community. The little flying bears together with their friends, took on themselves the task to defend their forest from pollution. However, their efforts, very often, are disturbed by two weasels, Skulk and Sammy, which strive to pollute the forest. Every so often the weasels receive help from Slink the snake. The three always strive to find new ways to disturb the harmony of the forest but their plans are destroyed always by the bears. The bears are always attentive to the advices of the old bear, Plato (who is too old to fly) and his friend Ozzy the owl. This cartoon helps children realize the importance of protecting the environment. The series shows the harmful effects of pollution and fires as well as the important role of the ecosystem..