

voir film Fake streaming vf



Dee Laytner et Randy "Ryo" Maclane sont deux policiers de New York prenant des vacances en Angleterre. Dee a énormément de sentiments pour Ryo et veut saisir l'occasion de se rapprocher de ce dernier. Ryo ne comprend pas ses propres sentiments pour Dee et ne sait pas s'il peut vraiment les admettre. Malheureusement, leurs petites vacances sont subitement dérangées. Ils entendent dire qu'il y a beaucoup de meurtres et de gens disparus ces temps-ci. Le seul lien commun entre les victimes est qu'elles étaient toutes Japonaises. Ainsi, nos deux jeunes policiers vont résoudre cette énigme... Que va-t-il se passer ? Mystère....



Daniel Jakor is one of the most prolific and successful artists the world has never heard of. Struggling to sell his own art, he soon finds his true genius lies not in the creation of his own work but in the forgery of the great masters that have come before him- artists like Picasso, Monet, Degas and Renoir. And with the help of a Tay Murphy, corrupt gallery owner in Boston, Daniel soon learns the intricacies of the art world as he becomes a true master himself. But Tay's life is spiraling out of control and his personal demons have brought him to the edge where he hangs on by a thread. Indebted to the mob for more than he can possibly pay back, Tay gets Daniel roped into working for Seamus White, the head of the Irish "family" in New England and an avid art collector. As Seamus's schemes become bolder and bolder, not only pushing the boundaries of Daniel's ability but the limits of forgery itself....



Born to atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima, Mamoru Samuragochi, a self-taught classical composer with a degenerative condition causing deafness, was celebrated as a "Japanese Beethoven" for the digital age. However, just prior to the 2014 Winter Olympics, where Samuragochi's "Sonatina for Violin" was to accompany figure skater Daisuke Takahashi, part-time university lecturer Takashi Niigaki revealed that he had served as the composer's ghostwriter for 18 years, that Samuragochi couldn't notate music and, in fact, could hear perfectly. As Samuragochi's recordings were pulled and performances cancelled, Niigaki enjoyed success on TV talk shows. Filmmaker Tatsuya Mori finds Samuragochi in his small Yokohama apartment with his wife and cat, ready to tell his side of the story. A mesmerizing character study skewering media duplicity and constructions of ability/disability, in which Samuragochi's career has collapsed, taking fact and fiction with it..



An intelligent woman keeps falling for the wrong guy. With her latest lover David and a kilo of cocaine in her purse she barely escaped an arrest. Back in Holland she starts a B&B. Her first guest is the attractive Aziz, who wants to steal an old Moroccan mosaic at the International Art Fair..



Une mannequin un peu novice passe un shooting photo. La photographe trouve son sourire faux et lui demande de faire la gueule. Une confrontation démarre..



Fake news is not new - but now it's digital. From click-bait headlines to cyber disinformation, we are easily manipulated. What do we gain and what do we lose by our unquestioned beliefs that control our actions?.



In a videochat of a group of friends, Rebecca organizes a meeting to discuss a college assignment. Her friend Sophia, take advantage of the opportunity and borrow money. But something is wrong. Very wrong..



Inspired by the Liar In Chief and his Minister of Disinformation, we give you the newest invention of late stage capitalism: "alternative facts"!.

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

Un jeune artiste aspire à développer la confiance de ses modèles, mais découvre vite que la confiance n'est souvent que de la fumée et des miroirs. Un jeune artiste aspire à développer la confiance de ses modèles, mais découvre vite que la confiance n'est souvent que de la fumée et des miroirs..

Fake news

Fake news

Itsuki Shinonome est envoyée par un grand journal au service des médias Internet. Le rédacteur en chef Kanji Usami lui impose comme sujet des chenilles vertes trouvées dans des aliments instantanés. Elle rencontre l'homme qui a posté cette histoire sur les médias sociaux. Elle va alors se retrouver mêlée à un conflit entre sociétés..



Zoe et Becca sont les meilleures amies et ambitionnent de créer leur propre empire de faux papiers, mais quand leur activité prend de l'ampleur, la réalité d'une vie criminelle les rattrape..

L'Amour fake

L'Amour fake

Cinq couples mettent leur confiance à l'épreuve pour empocher 100 000 €, alors que la technologie Deepfake brouille la frontière entre vérité et mensonge..

Tootsies & The Fake

Tootsies & The Fake

Après avoir assommé une célébrité qui s'apprêtait à tourner dans une pub, une bande de bras cassés tente d'éviter le procès en trouvant un sosie pour la remplacer..

FAKE MOTION: Only One Wish

FAKE MOTION: Only One Wish

In 20XX, it is not the strength of study or fighting that determines the superiority or inferiority of high school students, but "table tennis". There used to be fierce battles over the top spot in Tokyo. Ebisu Nagato High School who defeated the champion Satsukawa with strong cohesion and stood at the top of Tokyo. The victory of the Ebisu Nagato High School put an end to the battle, and Tokyo should have become one. Half a year later--. Tenkafubu Gakuen, the pinnacle of Osaka, was invading Tokyo. Hijikata Toshiki of Tokyo Metropolitan Hachioji Minami Technical High School stands up to protect his friends and Tokyo!!! Tokyo vs Osaka-The big decisive battle of the world division..