

voir film Encounters streaming vf



18 novembre 2011, une petite équipe danoise de télévision disparaît dans les bois du nord de la Suède sans laisser de trace. Un an plus tard, la vidéo de leur trip est divulguée par un groupe de hacker nommé Pandora, on y voit des images troublantes et inquiétantes..



To please her mother, a woman sets out to find a husband, and makes an ambitious plan to find a match -- and get married -- within one year..



Madaline is troubled by the recurring visions of her past. The comfort of her envious life and social position are not enough to shake the haunting memories of her brother’s accidental death that Madaline blames on herself. Nightmares haunt her with images of her brother and also begin to blur with reality. Madaline’s frail state of mind has her believing that her brother has returned to kill her. Her husband disappears and a stranger from Madaline’s past threatens her life. Suspense builds and the truth is revealed in the chilling climax – Madaline’s life will never be the same again. Returning to the home where she was raised, Madaline fights to come to grips with why she was blamed for her family's death..



Encounters is a multi-genre anthology film interweaving stories of chance meetings leading to a rollercoaster ride of reflections on life, loss and love. Eight emerging New Zealand directors and a diverse group of local cast and crew tell tales ranging from delightful to disturbing, romantic to rebellious..



A brother who is upset about the death of his sister (Tobi-Wan Rodriguez) brings his best friend (Steve Perse), girlfriend (Pamela Cohen) and two psychics (Jaime Tracy Lopez and Atanas Gorgiev) to a haunted cabin to solve the mystery of her murder..



Johnny goes to Athena's Palace to ask for a loan. He enters an exciting and seductive world there. Intrigued by the beautiful strip-dancer Brandy, he agrees to value her house. She insists Johnny pays his valuation with a private striptease dance. Her friend Carlo, a villain, is immediately jealous and threatens Brandy..



A Venezuelan college girl is stuck outside her country when the Covid-19 pandemic starts, and her mom attempts to help her from a distance..



Ten single people - lost, lonely and looking for something. Casual sex? True love? A passport? The only possible solution: Speed Dating....



After an unsuccessful affair with an older married man, Alex, a young man trying to figure out how to deal with his sexuality, takes stock of his current situation. He then meets Mickey, a pastor, who might give him the intimacy and friendship he is looking for..



Young Max has sunken to the depths of despair over a broken heart. John, a real man of action who worries about such people, takes him out on a trip into the countryside. Amidst the idyllic scenery and locale, Max's heart is healed by the love of a stray dog, Kifune, and he gradually regains his vitality. But everything changes when a mysterious super-monster bursts out of nowhere. The two men's trip becomes an exciting adventure as they get caught up in the struggle with a variety of intrigues, treachery and the life that swirls all about them..



Collection of four ground-breaking shorts in which gay men interact in a variety of circumstances: In 'Dream A40' (1965) a couple try to stop themselves from showing public displays of affection. In 'Vapors' (1965) two strangers meet in a New York bathhouse. In 'Come Dancing' (1970) an encounter between two men in a café takes a dark turn. Finally, in 'Encounter' (1971), a silent film with a score by Stephen Thrower, a group of men gather in the streets of New York to carry out a secret ritual..



Encounters: The Hidden Truth was an hour-long TV series that featured real-life stories of paranormal phenomena. The format featured a host and a team of reporters presenting 3 or 4 stories per episode dealing with UFOs, crop circles, exorcism, prophets, psychics, reincarnation, and other supernatural phenomena, in a news/documentary style. The stories unfolded through witness interviews and reenactments of the events. The host and reporters discussed their reactions to some of the stories. Encounters aired on the Fox network and was used mainly as a summer replacement series and fill-in show for other canceled series. The show first aired during the summer of 1994 in the time slot before Fox's hit series The X-Files. The show then aired sporadically with different nights and times. In the final 3 editions of the show, Steven Williams replaced John Marshall as the host. Two of those episodes aired in November 1995 and the final episode aired on January 23, 1996..

Rencontres du troisième type

Rencontres du troisième type

Des faits étranges se produisent un peu partout dans le monde : des avions qui avaient disparu durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale sont retrouvés au Mexique en parfait état de marche, un cargo est découvert échoué au beau milieu du désert de Gobi. Dans l'Indiana, pendant qu'une coupure d'électricité paralyse la banlieue, Roy Neary, un réparateur de câbles, voit une "soucoupe volante" passer au-dessus de sa voiture. D'autres personnes sont également témoins de ce type de phénomène : Barry Guiler, un petit garçon de quatre ans, est réveillé par le bruit de ses jouets qui se mettent en route. Cherchant à savoir d'où proviennent ces ovnis, Roy Neary se heurte aux rigoureuses consignes de silence imposées par le gouvernement fédéral. Obsédé par ce qu'il a vu et hanté par une image de montagne qu'il essaie désespérément de reconstituer, il est abandonné par sa femme Ronnie et ses enfants. Il n'y a que Jillian, la mère de Barry, qui le comprenne..

Grave Encounters 2

Grave Encounters 2

À sa sortie, l'enregistrement trouvé horrifique Grave Encounters est rapidement devenu un phénomène que beaucoup ont pris pour une fiction. L'étudiant en cinéma, Alex Wright, aussi obsédé par le film que les 20 millions de personnes qui ont consulté son trailer sur YouTube, veut prouver qu’ils se trompent et qu'il décrit des faits réels. Alors que lui et ses amis enquêtent sur ces événements, ils décident de visiter l’hôpital psychiatrique où se déroule l'action du film. L'équipe va bientôt devoir affronter un mal indicible….

Rencontres au bout du monde

Rencontres au bout du monde

Des hommes et des femmes, tous scientifiques, vivent ensemble au camp de base de McMurdo, en Antarctique. Admis dans l'environnement protégé de cette communauté, Werner Herzog voyage dans ces terres de glace, de feu et d'extrême solitude. Il filme des sites vierges et accompagne les scientifiques jusque sous la glace, montrant les richesses de ce désert de glace autant que les extraordinaires paysages aquatiques….

Tokyo Encounter

Tokyo Encounter

Starring anime voice actors Tomokazu Sugita and Yuichi Nakamura, the show features the pair playing video games (from retro to modern-day) and generally goofing around..

Grave Encounters

Grave Encounters

Lance Preston et l’équipe de l’émission Grave Encounters, une télé-réalité autour de la chasse aux fantômes, tournent un épisode dans l’hôpital psychiatrique abandonné de Collingwood où, chaque année, surviennent des événements inexpliqués. Soucieuse de pimenter son émission, l’équipe se laisse volontairement enfermer pour la nuit et débute, caméra à la main, son enquête paranormale. Tous vont vite réaliser que le bâtiment n’est pas seulement hanté, mais qu’il a sa vie propre, et aucune intention de les laisser en sortir..