

voir film Displaced streaming vf



After years of radio silence, Sharon Ryba-Kahn re-established contact with her father. She talks to him about his absence and his family. From the perspective of someone who belongs to the third generation after the Shoah, the director examines herself and her German surroundings..



Stel, a humanoid alien played by Mark Strange, teams up with a British soldier Private John Marrettie (Malcolm Hankey). They engage on an action-packed adventure to find a top secret file which holds information on advanced energy production, captured space crafts and their alien pilots including Stel’s missing father, Arakawa, who’s been shot down and imprisoned on Earth by Core – a human paramilitary group. The Displaced file falls into the hands of a renegade 'special forces’ leader, Wilson (Graham Brownsmith) whose plans are to sell the file to the highest bidder on the black market for his own financial gain. Private Marrettie is forced to help Stel in his quest to locate the file. The search leads them on a deadly game of survival, combat, intrigue and deceit..



An artist explores in her work the nature of the traumatic experience of the loss of a home. Rooted in the personal experience of displacement she has suffered herself, her work resonates in her own country with its history of forced removals and around the world in an age when record numbers of people have been forcibly displaced by conflict, violence and human rights violations..



Barrister Kenneth is a single father who met Chisom under unfortunate circumstances. They soon develop a romantic relationship which is strongly opposed by his daughter..



A young black man in Brooklyn must prove his new white neighbors are emissaries from the Satanic cult they both survived as children..



People fall into water. Seen from underneath the surface of a lake, those men and women, fully dressed in office attire, move around trying to find orientation while following and bumping into each other. Thrown into this involuntary situation, their movements are at times softly flowing, elegant and caring, but change in the next moment into fighting against each other and for air. They are submerged in an environment which is removed from our daily reality associating sparkling fairy-tale dreams and horrible visions of drowning at the same time..



A beguiling series of psychedelic random footage encapsulates pieces of memories of children survivors during the Marawi siege. They revisit their stories of survival in the onset of the war. These little dreamers still hope that one day, they will return in their normal and playful lives and revive the place they once called home..



Displaced is a documentary about the stories of four third generation European-Turks who left their hometowns and comes to Istanbul in search of their own identies..



At a low point in his life, urbanite Peter Sabik goes on a solo camping trip in hopes of finding inner guidance, only to discover a mysterious message which sets him off on an extraordinary adventure defying the laws of time and space.".

Displaced Person

Displaced Person

Displaced Person is a 1985 Emmy award winning drama based on a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. It was directed by Alan Bridges and adapted by Fred Barron from a story in the Welcome to the Monkey House collection..

Displaced Person

Displaced Person

Daniel Eisenberg's film (or "memory essay," as theorist Nora Alter referred to DISPLACED PERSON) is a challenge to a conventional view of history, a provocation using traditional documentary forms: found footage, newsreels, a radio lecture of French anthropologist Claude Levi Strauss and Ludwig van Beethoven's "Razumovsky" quartets..

Burma Displaced

Burma Displaced

Burmese citizens on the run, oppressed for decades by a brutal military dictatorship, still, to this day, fleeing into an uncertain future. Often having lost everything, all that remains are their dreams; their bad dreams of the past in Burma, but also dreams of hope for a better future. We meet these people in different countries and different situations..

The Displaced View

The Displaced View

The Displaced View traces a personal search for identity and pride, within the unique and suppressed history of the Japanese in Canada. Through an examination of the emotional and cultural links between the women of one family, the processes of the construction of memory and the re-construction of history, are revealed. Utilizing an innovative combination of experimental, dramatic and documentary forms, the film emerges as a deeply moving and compassionate love letter. Just as the official history of the Japanese Canadians has been thrown into question, so does the film’s fictionalized narrative, question documentary as truth..