

voir film Denial streaming vf

Le Procès du siècle

Le Procès du siècle

Deborah Lipstadt, historienne et auteure reconnue, défend farouchement la mémoire de l’Holocauste. Elle se voit confrontée à un universitaire extrémiste, avocat de thèses controversées sur le régime nazi, David Irving, qui la met au défi de prouver l’existence de la Shoah. Sûr de son fait, Irving assigne en justice Lipstadt, qui se retrouve dans la situation aberrante de devoir prouver l’existence des chambres à gaz. Comment, en restant dans les limites du droit, faire face à un négationniste prêt à toutes les bassesses pour obtenir gain de cause, et l’empêcher de profiter de cette tribune pour propager ses théories nauséabondes ?.



A young woman tries to leave her troubled past behind. She meets her old flame by accident and they fall in love again, but this obsessive relationship threatens to consume them..



Couples split up after a comment at an LA dinner party sets up arguments about how truthful partners are in their relationships..



Every day our changing climate pushes us closer to an environmental catastrophe, but for most the problem is easy to ignore. David Hallquist, a Vermont utility executive, has made it his mission to take on one of the largest contributors of this global crisis-our electric grid. But when his son Derek tries to tell his father's story, the film is soon derailed by a staggering family secret, one that forces Derek and David to turn their attention toward a much more personal struggle, one that can no longer be ignored. - Written by Aaron Woolf.



When a seemingly picture perfect relationship begins to unravel, one man must make a choice between the woman of his dreams, and his reality. The result is a raw glimpse into how loneliness and regret can test the limits of one's sanity..



2 teaspoons of baking powder, 4 cups of butter, 1 cup of milk, 3 teaspoons of trust and 1/2 drop of affection..



D.S Crenshaw, a Police Detective, interviews two young men, Ben and Sam. Through a series of interviews Crenshaw tries to piece together the events of the night before..



Zoom into the iconic voting center in Maricopa County, Arizona, during the midst of a tumultuous media storm surrounding their election practices..

Denials, Decoys

Denials, Decoys

With the erasure of fingertips as a point of departure, Denials, Decoys takes the idea of a cut on the body and obfuscates it within the cut of the moving image. The result is disorienting, alienating and freeing. Like those seeking total anonymity within a culture of absolute control and surveillance, we spectators dissolve ourselves into shadowy rooms set to broken time, false time, end times..

Superbook: Peter's Denial

Superbook: Peter's Denial

While hanging with the cool kids, Chris has to chooses to ignore his friendship with the less cool Joy. Suddenly, Superbook sends Joy, Chris, and Gizmo to a time when Peter denies Jesus three times. This helps Chris understand the value of true friendship. ~ Luke 22:32.

Architects of Denial

Architects of Denial

Though both the historical and modern-day persecution of Armenians and other Christians is relatively uncovered in the mainstream media and not on the radar of many average Americans, it is a subject that has gotten far more attention in recent years..

Confronting Holocaust Denial With David Baddiel

Confronting Holocaust Denial With David Baddiel

The Holocaust is one of the most documented, witnessed and written about events in history, so why is Holocaust denial back on the political agenda? What has happened in the 75 years since the liberation of the camps to have so skewed the picture? And, if it matters, why does it matter?.

Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial

Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial

The Busty Cops are back in action. On an exotic island crooks trying to steal a precious stone that gives its owner the power to manipulate people from a holy statue. The busty secret agents are sent there to rescue the local islanders..