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Acting : Corvus
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Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Corvus en streaming gratuit.



CORVUS follows a weary yet extraordinary police detective as he pieces together a young woman's murder. The crime reveals itself in a series of moments that allow the detective to see past the facts, and into the story with a strange sense of familiarity..



Haunted by her past, a reclusive woman builds machinery that can induce hypnosis, but her desperate pursuits come with a great risk..

Corvus Corax: Cantus Buranus (Live in Berlin)

Corvus Corax: Cantus Buranus (Live in Berlin)

Cantus Buranus is the recording album by the German medieval revival band Corvus Corax that employs the medieval text Carmina Burana. Cantus Buranus is a stage opera of eleven poems from Carmina Burana for orchestra, choir and medieval instruments, incorporating medieval, classical and modern musical idioms. It is not the first time Corvus Corax has worked with Carmina Burana; the band Tanzwut (which is another Corvus Corax project) used the poems "Fautue" and "Caupona" in their album Ihr Wolltet Spass. The Cantus Buranus CD was released August 8, 2005 by Roadrunner Records. A live recording in Berlin spawned a live album and DVD: Cantus Buranus - Live in Berlin..

Corvus Corax - Summer Breeze 2023

Corvus Corax - Summer Breeze 2023

Un vol de corbeaux s’abat sur Dinkelsbühl, gratifiant le public de rythmes entraînants et de sonorités anciennes. Depuis sa création en 1989, Corvus Corax compte parmi les formations les plus influentes du courant médiéval. Livrant une véritable œuvre d’art totale, ce groupe de sept musiciens s’insère parfaitement dans l’esprit du Summer Breeze Open Air..