

voir film Connected streaming vf



Le journaliste scientifique Latif Nasser étudie les façons surprenantes et complexes dont nous sommes connectés les uns aux autres, au monde et à l'univers..



Argentine DJ Hernán Cattáneo, known for his house music innovations, invites a symphonic orchestra for a four-night run at Buenos Aires' Teatro Colón..



Jackie (Pamela Anderson) une coach de fitness en ligne, débordée, traversant une période difficile liée à son âge, la fameuse crise de la cinquantaine, elle passe beaucoup de temps devant son miroir. Elle cherche aussi des réponses en écoutant, à longueur de journée, des podcasts prodiguant des conseils de bien-être et promettant la vie éternelle. Jane Fonda a participé au projet à travers ces enregistrements audio. Sa solitude la pousse à intégrer une communauté sous la houlette de Luna, le personnage joué par Dree Hemingway. Au sein de ce groupe, chacun franchirait un nouveau palier spirituel en étant connecté, de façon permanente, avec les autres membres. Ainsi, pour partager ses états d’âme, Jackie acceptera l’implantation d’une puce WiFi dans son oreille..



Linked by a café, woke culture, and youth angst, Gen Z or Zoomers who desire to connect to something bigger than themselves discover the agony and pleasure of love..



Follow Barbara Dunkelman and Blaine Gibson as they must survive their work, their social lives and the modern world without the comfort of their cell phones in order to explore how our brains change with our use of technology and analyze how we sustain and build relationships in the 21st century..



Connected tells the story of a devoted couple who can communicate telepathically with each other. After an uncharacteristic row one morning, Jack leaves for work. Minutes later, Louise tries to send him a message to apologize. Distracted, he drives into an oncoming vehicle. Louise feels the impact. His death rips her apart..



Set in the distant future, Connected is a story about survival and greed with a post apocalyptic wasteland as its backdrop. Survivors of an unknown disaster shuffle through a desolate landscape, as it quickly becomes clear that not everybody has the strength to survive..



A regressive police officer finds himself behaving out of line after a call for domestic disturbance gets him in the same room with a gay couple, only to soon realize that there is something deeper connecting them..



The era of Tinder is over. A new way of dating is on the rise: virtual reality is the future for singles looking for more. The new technology allows you to personalize your avatar and go to a restaurant without leaving your home..



Argentine DJ Hernán Cattáneo, known for his house music innovations, invites a symphonic orchestra for a four-night run at Buenos Aires' Teatro Colón..



In a near future where world humanity has been deprived of closeness of each other through technological communication advancements, a small boy, Timmy full of curiosity goes on a journey to learn the value of interpersonal communication, human emotions and expressing them through discovering the underground art of theater..



The story of Genaro Costelli, a young man growing up in a neighborhood that is controlled by the Mafia. Despite the teachings of his family and church, he is tempted by the extravagant and seemingly care-free lifestyle of his "friends". The lure of mystery, power and intrigue are to powerful for Genaro to resist and he soon finds himself caught up in a web of danger, contradiction and betrayal. After suffering personal and family sacrifice he must face the most difficult challenge of his life, that is, how to live free of the tenacious life-long grip of the mob. Add to this the love of a young woman he is trying to protect and how he must choose between his love for her and his obligations to the mob..



In a near future in a world deprived of closeness of each other through technological communication advancements, a small boy full of curiosity and need to learn the world that surrounds him goes on a journey to learn the value of interpersonal communication through.



A man is isolated by modern technology. He takes his mobile phone back to the shop - it's not working, he's not receiving any calls. But the phone is fine, it's him that's not working. But he still wants answers..



A collaboration of Mamoru Oshii, Koji Morimoto, and KENWOOD. This short animation is inspired by "Smart Headsets" (earphones with AI assistant) that depicts future life with a unique interpretation, set in a fictitious city where devices have become commonplace..



Un père de famille reçoit un appel sur son téléphone portable qui va brutalement changer son existence. La communication laisse entendre la voix d'une inconnue qui prétend être séquestrée dans un lieu dont elle ignore tout.Pour prouver à son entourage qu'il est capable d'affronter une situation à haut risque, le jeune homme décide de monter sa propre enquête....

Circle: Two Connected Worlds

Circle: Two Connected Worlds

L'histoire est située entre la période actuelle (2017) et l'année 2037. Un extraterrestre arrive sur terre par une nuit de 2007 et est convaincu que les émotions des humains devraient être contrôlées car ils n'auraient aucun avenir si ce n'était pas le cas. L'extraterrestre se retrouve alors en contact avec les humains. Seulement, deux frères jumeaux, Wu Jin et Beom Gyun, sont témoins de son arrivée et le souvenir hantera Beom Gyun au point de le faire devenir meurtrier. Trente ans après l'arrivée de l'extraterrestre, la vie sur terre a totalement changé. Le détective Hong Jin Hong relate ses anciennes enquêtes à un de ses collègues. L'une d'entre elles concerne la disparition de deux jumeaux vingt ans plus tôt, toujours disparus jusqu'alors..