

voir film Coming In streaming vf

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold

Come Home Love: Lo and Behold

Hung Sue Gan partant du bas, a créé sa propre entreprise de logistique, qui fonctionne maintenant bien. Sa seule préoccupation maintenant, ce sont ses trois filles. Sa fille aînée a immigré à l'étranger. Sa deuxième fille, Hung Yeuk Shui, a atteint l'âge du mariage, mais n'a aucun espoir de se marier de si tôt. Hung Sue Yan, le frère de Hung Sue Gan, emménage avec la famille, mettant temporairement fin à sa vie de photographe nomade. Il rejoint l'entreprise de Hung Yeuk Shui et rencontre Ko Pak Fei, le directeur d'une boutique en ligne. Depuis que Hung Sue Yan a emménagé, une série d'événements étranges se sont produits dans la famille. Après enquête, la source est retrouvée jusqu'à Lung Ging Fung, un jeune homme prometteur qui est le fils du magnat des grands magasins Lung Gam Wai..

Coming In

Coming In

Notoriously hip Berlin based hairdresser Tom Herzner falls in love with beauty parlor owner Heidi, turning both of their worlds upside down. So far so good. Only one problem: Tom is gay..

Coming In

Coming In

Copywriter Lorenz is gay and has a relationship with his boss Adrian. The two are happy together until Lorenz meets secretary Nina one day. Nina has just been abandoned by her husband Kai, who is now with a man. Lorenz also suddenly develops new, unknown feelings. He falls in love with Nina, a woman. Of course, he does everything he can to keep that from Adrian. But that does not hide Lorenz's emotional chaos..

Balade Meurtrière

Balade Meurtrière

Un enseignant part explorer en famille une côte isolée de Nouvelle-Zélande. La balade se transforme en cauchemar lorsque leur route croise celle d’un psychopathe et de son complice. Mais cette rencontre est-elle vraiment un hasard ?.

Coming In

Coming In

The story of Mitchell, a confidently gay man who wakes up straight on the morning of his wedding. The series is a comical skewering of sexual identity..

Coming In

Coming In

Nine people, gays and lesbians working at three companies have agreed to share the stories of their lives at work, stories that until now had rarely been heard and often been kept silent. Aged from 20 to 80, high level executive or office worker, they form a panel of great social, cultural and psychological diversity. From the seventies, our witnesses have developed amazing strategies in order to conform. In a humane and positive way, this documentary deals with being different and feeling judged..

Coming In

Coming In

Juan is about to come out so he is struggling to introduce Carlos as his boyfriend in the middle of a family Christmas dinner..

Kangsi Coming

Kangsi Coming

KangXi Lai Le is a Taiwanese variety-comedy talk show hosted by variety show veterans Dee Hsu and Kevin Tsai. It was produced by Chungta Production from 2004 to 2009, and currently produced by Gold Star Production along with the writing and production staff of GUESS. It was first broadcast on 5 January 2004 and currently airs Monday to Friday at 22:00-23:00 on cable TV CTi Variety. In most episodes, the hosts interview a panel of celebrities in various and controversial topics while employing their signature comedic bantering. It is broadcast in Hong Kong on ATV Home under the name of Variety Show of Mr Con and Ms Csi. Although it is broadcast in Taiwan, the show is very successful and popular among Chinese speaking audiences across the world who watch uploaded re-runs over the internet or through bootleg DVDs. The show has been mentioned in other Taiwanese variety and talk shows, mainly from presenters who appeared on the show..

March Comes in like a Lion

March Comes in like a Lion

Rei Kiriyama a perdu sa famille dans un accident lorsqu’il était enfant. Il est à présent un joueur de shogi professionnel âgé de 17 ans, accablé par un perpétuel et profond sentiment de solitude. Un jour, Rei, qui vit dans le centre-ville de Tokyo, fait la rencontre de trois sœurs prénommées Akari, Hinata et Momo ; et il se met petit à petit à changer. Venez vous laissez conter la douce histoire d’individus s'échinant à retrouver ce petit quelque chose qu’ils ont perdu..

Night Has Come

Night Has Come

Pris au piège dans le "jeu de la mafia", un jeu mortel, les élèves du lycée Yoo-il doivent jouer pour survivre, tout en élucidant les mystères qui se cachent derrière la malédiction..

The Real Has Come!

The Real Has Come!

A successful lecturer facing single motherhood devises a fake romance with a marriage-averse doctor — but keeping up the act proves harder than it seems..

Come Home Love

Come Home Love

MA FU, a retired employee of the HK Correctional Services Department, moved back to live with his son after retirement. MA FU treats and disciplines everyone in his family as if they were the offenders he works with in his job. His youngest son MA CHONG feels like he's in jail when he gets home, and his father is even often involved with his job as a paralegal. The father and son get into disputes daily and his elder brother MA KEUNG and his wife LO LAI SEUNG are often stuck in between and have to settle the disputes. The couple also holds the heavy responsibility of raising their kids. Three generations in the MA family all live together and encounter different situations, experiences and system of values..

How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church

How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church

125 employees of the Catholic Church come out as queer! In the exclusive ARD documentary, believers in the service of the Catholic Church in Germany dare to go public together. People who identify as non-heterosexual talk about fighting for their church - sometimes at the risk of losing their jobs as a result. There are priests, religious brothers, parish assistants, diocese employees, religion teachers, kindergarten teachers, social workers and many more who report intimidation, denunciations, deep injuries, decades of hide and seek and double lives. The Catholics report a system in which pressure, fear and arbitrariness leave employees uncertain as to what exactly happens when they stand by their sexual orientation or identity. The investigative documentary listens to those who live their faith every day and are nevertheless degraded by the church as an institution..

The Jews Are Coming

The Jews Are Coming

Israeli satire show investigating the historical, social and political heritage of the jewish people and the state of Israel, from biblical days to this day, killing sacred cows and questioning Jewish myths and Israeli ethos..

Come and hug me

Come and hug me

Jae-Yi est le premier amour de Do-Jin. Ils se sont connus et aimés au lycée mais ont vécu un drame terrible qui a inévitablement conduit à leur séparation : le père de Do-Jin a assassiné les parents de Jae-Yi. Des années plus tard, les deux jeunes gens se retrouvent. Do-Jin est devenu officier de police pour racheter les erreurs de son père, tandis que Jae-Yi est actrice comme sa mère..

Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World

Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World

A feature-length documentary that explores the immense changes that occurred for gays, lesbians and transgender people living in the Global South. In the last decade of the 20th Century, a new heightened visibility began spreading throughout the developing world and the battles between families, fundamentalist religions, and governments around sexual and gender identity had begun. But in the West, few people knew about this historic social upheaval, until 52 men on Cairo’s Queen Boat discothèque were arrested for crimes of debauchery. That explosive story focused attention to the lives and trials of gay people coming out in the developing world and the film chronicles those events..