

voir film Clear Skies streaming vf

Clear Skies

Clear Skies

Clear Skies follows a trio of down-and-out misfits who've seen no end of bad luck. John Rourke is the obstinate captain of the Clear Skies, a Tempest class battleship manufactured by the downtrodden Minmatar race of New Eden. Rourke's attitude toward his hazardous chosen lifestyle is cavalier, although this does not sit well with his friends among the crew..

Ciel pur

Ciel pur

Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la jeune ouvrière Sasha noue une idylle amoureuse avec un aviateur, Alexeï. Ils se marient. Un jour, Alexeï ne rentre pas d'une mission : on le croit mort. Pourtant, il reparaît après la fin des hostilités. Prisonnier des Allemands, il a réussi à survivre. Mais on ne le croit guère et il est catalogué comme traître à la patrie. Exclu du Parti, on lui retire également ses décorations. Déchu, il sombre dans l'alcoolisme. Quelques années après le décès de Staline, il est réhabilité et peut, à nouveau, exercer ses talents d'aviateur et s'attaquer à un nouveau record..

Clear Skies 3

Clear Skies 3

If you have everything, you have everything to lose. John Rourke and his crew run the shiny new Maelstrom. But when Mr. Smith has a new job offer, everything changes and pushes New Eden again to the edge of chaos. JR, Charlie, and Sol are back for one more adventure, that takes them from a dull daily grind to trying to save an entire star system that's been taken hostage. Time to trust in rust for one last time..

Clear Skies 2

Clear Skies 2

These likeable dropouts from the entrenched corporate lifestyle of New Eden eke out a meager living on trade runs and the odd courier job here and there. Still, they manage to find humor in their grim lot as they narrowly avoid being blown out of the stars by pirates, hired thugs, or whatever threat awaits them on the other side of the next jump gate. This is life aboard the Clear Skies..

Clear Skies, No Incidents

Clear Skies, No Incidents

A hot-blooded and meddlesome resident police officer, Ryō Shirase, is transferred to the southernmost manned island of Narumijima, where the Southern Cross can be seen. At first, it is thought that the peaceful island, in which people don’t even have to lock up their houses, does not need the resident police officer, but his personality and enthusiasm gradually change the minds of the islanders, who have been suffering from an aging population, a declining birthrate, and feeling of hopelessness….