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Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

Un photographe de guerre vétéran qui souffre de stress post-traumatique voit dans les photos qu"il développe des morts imminentes. Sa santé mentale déjà fragile est menacée alors qu'il met en danger la vie de ses proches..

Camera obscura

Camera obscura

Dans l'obscurité d'une caverne, un faible rayon de lumière parcourt le relief d'une paroi rocheuse. Au gré de ses mouvements, la lumière se transforme et projette des peintures et dessins mettant en scène des formes abstraites. Une danse étrange débute alors entre les images et leurs ombres..

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

A psychological thriller about an LAPD crime scene photographer who tries to confront his fears by setting his own boundaries on reality and illusion..

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

‘Camera Obscura’ is an experimental documentary which draws sounds and images from the Dartington Estate in Devon and constructs an idiosyncratic portrait. Verbal and textual definitions attempt to pin down what it is and play against elusive images. Archive material and re-invented historical events evoke the ethos of the past and combine with stories and contemporary details to illuminate the spirit of the place..

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

This short experimental film explores improbable chances, the direction of time, a fragility of feeling, and the nature of the universe—as understood within and outside the confines of the Super 8 film frame. Recorded voices are taken from vintage answering machines from Richman films and Leonard Susskind from “Boltzmann and the Arrow of Time.”.

Camera obscura

Camera obscura

It tells the story of Ane, who with a visual impairment and fully transition to adolescence, must face the peer rejection, overprotection of parents and, above all, the possibility of not seeing..

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

Inhabited by bodies that question love and death to the limits of madness, that are heard but not seen, and vice versa, Camera Obscura reveals a particular form of appropriation of the work of French writer and filmmaker Marguerite Duras. From the intersection of writing, video and sound, and his usual experimentalism, Bonneville creates a film made up of ghosts and mysteriously hypnotic and sensory images..

Obscura Camera

Obscura Camera

A cardboard box with a pinhole in one end and a sheet of vellum on the backside, so that the sun fluttering among the trees is projected onto it. This moving image edit is derived from about 4 or 5 takes on the day venus was to cross the sun's path. As it turned out I got the day wrong, but it wouldn't have mattered as the image that formed on the vellum was so soft and wispish and the trees were in the way that there was no chance whatsoever venus could be seen passing by..

The Camera Obscura

The Camera Obscura

Dans une colonie d'immigrants juifs d'Entre Rios, en Argentine, à la fin du 19e siècle, l'histoire de Gertrudis. Sa famille l'a toujours trouvée laide, qu'elle soit bébé, petite fille ou adolescente. Devenue femme, les gens du village s'accordent aussi à la trouver décidément laide. C'est seulement quelques année plus tard, mariée et mère de famille, qu'elle sera vue autrement par un photographe français, artiste surréaliste, qui gagne sa vie en faisant des portraits de famille. Il va être le seul à découvrir, avec un autre regard, la beauté particulière de cette femme, la richesse et la créativité de son monde intérieur. A travers son "regard", Gertrudis commencera à "se voir"..