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Beatriz married Vicente, her ideal man. The problem is that it was not only ideal for her, but for everyone else. Vicente dies in "a night of passion" from a heart attack, Beatriz's uncontrollable jealousy leads her to hires Dante, a poker player who will seduce the five suspects and by doing so, shed light on to the mystery..



Three women from three different generations and walks of life find themselves in a very hot, semi-deserted Spanish town. Patricia is a 17 year old roaming Spain in search for a certain man; Sol is 27, a door-to-door salesgirl in dire economic straits who has just been thrown out of her apartment; and Virginia is a middle aged housewife, who after 20 years decides to start a new life. These three spend a very unique 24 hour period together, often acting, as the title suggests, as modern day "witches"..



A bunch of punk girls tell how it does feel to have a band and want to shout and spread your ideas in Madrid in this day and age..

El Cazador de la Bruja

El Cazador de la Bruja

Nadie est une chasseuse de primes qui traque Ellis, une jeune amnésique soupçonnée du meurtre d'un scientifique célèbre. Nadie parvient à appréhender Ellis, mais sur un coup de tête, elle décide d'aider à Ellis à retrouver ses souvenirs..

El monte de las brujas

El monte de las brujas

Un jeune couple voyageant à travers les Pyrénées passe la nuit dans un ancien château espagnol, pour découvrir que c'est le quartier général d'un groupe de sorcières..

The Witch Game

The Witch Game

Mara is a teenager who deeply loves everything related to the esoteric arts. On her birthday, she receives a virtual game as a gift that will lead her to live a magical and dangerous experience. Now, after starting the game, Mara must save her sister from the clutches of Satan himself. Anything can happen within the rules of the game, and Mara will have to overcome several obstacles, her own convictions and beliefs, to get her family back..

Les Sorcières de Zugarramurdi

Les Sorcières de Zugarramurdi

En plein jour, un groupe d’hommes braque un magasin d’or de la Puerta del Sol à Madrid. José, père divorcé en plein conflit avec son ex-femme, Tony, son complice, sex-symbol malgré lui, Manuel, chauffeur de taxi embarqué contre son gré dans l’aventure, et Sergio, le fils de José, partent en cavale. Objectif : atteindre la France en échappant à la police… Mais arrivé près de la frontière française, dans le village millénaire de Zugarramurdi, le groupe va faire la rencontre d’une famille de sorcières, bien décidées à user de leurs pouvoirs maléfiques pour se venger des hommes….

Witchery deal

Witchery deal

To a give inn town a young man with him girlfriend returns. It is the last member of a family who, without knowing it, is going to fulfill an old curse: to end another family who many years before had killed him relatives. A psychiatrist helps the police to unravel the atrocious crime, in which they are themselves implied ghost and living deads..

The Witch Affair

The Witch Affair

The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true....

Magical Witches

Magical Witches

In the year 1595, in a Spanish village lives the miller Diego, irresistible to the local girls. Meanwhile, a friar arrives in the village on his way to Santiago de Compostela, and is mistaken for a man sent by the Inquisition..

Witches of East End

Witches of East End

Deux jeunes femmes font partie sans le savoir d'une longue lignée de sorcières. Alors qu'elles mènent une existence paisible, une série d’évènements va amener leur mère à leur dévoiler la vérité sur leur héritage familial : elles sont en fait de puissantes et immortelles sorcières..

Le Livre perdu des sortilèges

Le Livre perdu des sortilèges

Diana Bishop a renoncé depuis longtemps à un héritage familial compliqué pour privilégier ses recherches universitaires, une vie simple et ordinaire. Jusqu’au jour où elle emprunte un manuscrit alchimique : l’Ashmole 782. Elle ignore alors qu’elle vient de réveiller un ancien et terrible secret – un secret convoité par de nombreuses et redoutables créatures. Dont Matthew Clairmont. Un tueur, lui a-t-on dit. Malgré elle, Diana se retrouve au cœur de la tourmente..

Las brujas de Salem

Las brujas de Salem

Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. When the local authorities and various inhabitants begin to believe that there are witches among them, a collective hysteria is born and spreads rapidly through the village as if it were a plague, causing a chain of tragic consequences….

La caza de brujas

La caza de brujas

When, in a very strict Catholic school, a teacher enters a bathroom and surprises two students engaged in forbidden sexual practices, some of their classmates do not know whether to remain silent or rat out their own friends when questioned by school authorities..

The Witches

The Witches

In the 1990s, in a region of Colombia, men are disappearing mysteriously. A commander of the armed group that controls the region accuses a group of mothers, victims of violence, who are said to bewitch the men. When the commander burns one of them alive, the women decide to go into hiding..