

voir film Breathe In, Breathe Out streaming vf

Inspirez expirez

Inspirez expirez

Sophie et Vicky gravitent dans le même cercle d’amies, mais sont incompatibles. Une retraite de yoga pas reposante jumelée à une histoire de meurtres étranges les oblige toutefois à unir leurs forces pour sauver leur peau..

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Bravely bringing three severely traumatized Vietnam War veterans and their adult children back to Vietnam, this documentary explores rebirth and the reconciliation process, using raw, intense, and often revelatory scenes, captured in a vérité style, to confront a troubled past..

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe In, Breathe Out

While the lockdown was happening in New York City, Bahar Baharloo joined a volunteer bike messenger service to help people in need, first traveling the empty streets and later navigating the protests..

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe In, Breathe Out centers on six, later seven, individuals who have gotten jobs harvesting sugarcane on a small Okinawa island. Each worker has their own unique personality as well as their own issues as they learn to work together....

Breathe in, Breathe Out

Breathe in, Breathe Out

Two friends find themselves at a meditation retreat in a beautiful location, once inhabited by Sami reindeer herders. Guided by the guru Göran, they engage in breathing exercises and mindfulness. However, it appears that powerful seismic forces coincide with their meditative deep dives in this existential satire..

Out of Breath

Out of Breath

Ha Eun's girlfriend breaks up with her because she's scared of people knowing she's a lesbian. After a push from her best friend, Ha Eun meets Min Seo on a dating app. The two of them do all of the things on Ha Eun's list of dates that she never got to do with her ex. After spending time together, will Ha Eun be able to get over her ex and move on?.

Out of Breath

Out of Breath

Nabi who suffers from Epilepsy is hired by Khosrow to follow his fiancé Golrokh in order to find out about the male lover Khosrow presumes she has. Nabi finds out that Golrokh has a suicidal car accident and tries to help her. However he is not aware of the whole truth..

Breathing Out

Breathing Out

The story of an old married couple. As she dies his imagination calls her back to life and they have a wonderful time together like they didn’t have for many years.....

Breathe Out

Breathe Out

The windows are closed. Everything the old man can hear is the heavy breath of his wife. The slow routines of ageing and the decay of the body are closely examined in beautiful intensity..

Out of Breath

Out of Breath

An approach to the pandemic with a focus on care, revealing the human face of the collective struggle against Covid-19 in interviews with doctors, nurses and community workers..

Comment respirer hors de l’eau

Comment respirer hors de l’eau

Au retour d'une de ses séances d'entraînement de natation, Janaína est victime d'un contrôle de police violent. Une fois chez elle, elle est confrontée à son père, Julio, lui aussi policier, qui voit les choses à sa manière..

Abus de souffle

Abus de souffle

For "Abus de souffle" (Out of Breath), Bertille Bak returned to Tetouan in northern Morocco, where she had already filmed "Boussa from the Netherlands". This time, she chose to collaborate with the last craftsman specialising in the making of the bellows used to kindle a dire, known locally as rbuz..